петък, 5 август 2011 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from August 5

Възходът на планетата на маймуните / The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes - The recent success of The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes (an awful title btw) in the USA shows that you don't need a mindless sequel (Pirates and Transformers, I'm looking at you), or pointless 3D effects to have a hit. Which, to be honest, is always a good sign for the cinema future. Anyway, let's say some words on the movie, shall we? The latest Planet Of The Apes incarnation comes after Tim Burton almost killed the franchise with one of his weakest film ever (next to last year's Alice in The Wonderland). Thus, Fox, wisely have taken the reboot and origin story path, which has infused new blood to the Apes universe. Cleverer, however, was the decision to use performance capture, rather than say real monkeys or CG effects, to recreate the world of the apes, which is by far the biggest benefit of the film. Andy Serkis, in the role of Caesar, the ape that has started it all, is simply fantastic, and it's clearly the time for the Academy to start considering motion capture performance for its awards. The film's strengths come also from the decision to appoint a relatively new comer as a director, as Rupert Wyatt has only UK indie The Escapist behind his back, but nevertheless manages in transferring his non-Hollywood eye on celluloid. The action scenes, and especially the way the apes move (on trees, roofs and basically everywhere), are shot in an original and thrilling way, the story is believable and the human leads solid. The bar is definitely high for the inevitable sequel...(Alexandra)  **** 

The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine
** So-so
* Stay away

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