неделя, 6 ноември 2011 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 4 November 2011

Приключенията на Тинтин / The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of The Unicorn - Perhaps it's no coincidence that the previous movie directed by Steven Spielberg was Indiana Jones 4 - a film not without its merits, but ruined by an ill-advised finale and too obvious CGI effects (blame Lucas for that). Now, Spielberg returns with Tintin, which could easily pass as an Indiana Jones adventure and thanks the cinema gods, it's closer to the spirit of the first ones than to the latest. Based on the famous Herge comics, Tintin is the perfect fit for a director like Spielberg, a man who has turned into the king of quality entertainment. The film also marks his first endeavour in the world not only of animation, not only of motion capture but also of 3D. And watching Tintin, it's obvious that the director has had a great time while doing it. Spielberg, as a kid with a new fancy toy, engulfs in the latest technologies and lets his imagination flies. 

Thus, the action scenes are top spot perfect, clever and full of dynamics, scenes which could have never been created using the technologies of the past. The actors, though renowned, are more or less unrecognisable, but all the better for it, as you'd be able to invest more in the characters. And believe me, it's a movie full of remarkable characters. Tintin aside, the cherry of the cake are his dog Snowey, the Thompson brothers and the ever-drunken Captain Haddock. The movie also marks the return of legend John Williams as a composer, who despite using familiar themes, has once again elevated a picture with his music. At the end, Tintin is a film which not only justifies repeat viewings but puts the solid base for the creation of an iconic movie franchise. Peter Jackson - the bar has been lifted high! (Alexandra) ****1/2

Кинти в небето / Tower Heist - When an interesting premise meets a director who has yet to prove his capabilities, the results are rarely good. And once again, Brett Ratner has managed to deliver a mediocre movie, at best. Tower Heist, who desperately tries to be Ocean's Eleven for the average Joe, starts slowly, speeds up towards the middle and crashes at the end. Despite the popular cast, it's Eddie Murphy who only manages to escape the clutches of the script and to return to a long forgotten form. Precious' Gabourey Sidibe is also fantastic and should be seen more on the big screen. The others, led by Ben Stiller, are, bar one or two scenes, just boring. The biggest downfall, however, is the heist itself - so unimaginable and uninteresting that at the end leaves unpleasant taste in the mouth. The US critics liked it though...(Forum Film) **

The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine
** So-so
* Stay away

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