петък, 23 септември 2011 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from September 23

Деца шпиони 4 / Spy Kids 4 - It's tough to find anything worthy in the first three Spy Kids films, but somehow there was some charm infused in them. This time around, the original spy kids have grown up (unfortunately only in age and not in acting capabilities), while we have a new pair of spy wanna-bes replacing them. It's not surprising to say that the plot of the fourth part is so hallow, incoherent and honestly stupid, that compared to it even a Johnny English movie could be taken as a classic. Moreover, this time the acting is not only eye-poppingly bad but is further undermined by the Bulgarian voice cast. Guys and girls, I know that you're from the "greatest" acting school in Sofia, but next time around try harder to earn your check, or best - give way to the more skilful actors out there. But let's get back to the film in question. I've always wandered how a director such as Robert Rodriguez could actually put his name behind an excuse of a film like this one and thus to make me look on favourites like Machete and Sin City with a different eye. Anyway, he did it, and was even lazy enough to make the gadgets of the spies awfully boring. And boy, an oil pissing, metal balls sh**ting dog is just wrong... Oh, if you wanna try the promised 4D effect, just go to a cosmetics store or to the toilet, it's the same. Please, keep your children safe at home with a nice Disney or Pixar DVD... (Forum Film) *

Отвлечен / Abduction - I tried to be as less prejudiced as possible when going to the screening of Abduction, which has been declared "guilty" by many movie "specialists" for just being a vehicle for Twilight star Taylor Lautner. Unfortunately though, the moment the plot starts rolling, the film collapses hit by lazy scripting, wooden performances and worst - the lack of any tension. And the fact that it avoids too obviously the R-rating is not cool either. For many it would be surprising to find that Taylor Lautner is not the worst thing in the movie. Yes, he is not the best young actor out there, but at least shows some good action skills. The same could not be said for his girlfriend (or sort of) Lily, daughter of Phil, Collins. Don't know what her problem is - is she helpless in the acting career or just felt embarrassed to be around Jacob (sorry, Taylor), but her presence on the screen in the entire movie is just awful. The main problem of the film however is not the acting but the ridiculous plot. The premise was good, at least on paper it sounds okay, but the big revelation is so stupid and lazily conceived that you'll find more intrigue in Johnny English Reborn (yes, I used that movie reference twice today). Perhaps the movie writers should find another job, but such a script should have never seen the green light. On the plus side, the film has several well paced action scenes and boasts Sigourney Weaver in a supporting role, but I doubt that this would get Abduction (even the name of the movie feels not right) out of the Razzie Awards territory. (Forum Film) * 1/2

Скъпа, няма не мога / I Don't Know How She Does It - I really doubt that, as the character of Sarah Jessica Parker, I will have the time and most crucially the nerves to sit through this rom-com schlock. (Tandem) 

Previews this week:

Crazy, Stupid, Love - or in other words - crazy, stupid, great ****
Killer Elite - surprisingly gripping for most of its (too-long) time ***

The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine
** So-so
* Stay away

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