вторник, 1 февруари 2011 г.

In BG Cinemas from Jan 28

Механикът / The Mechanic - if you are among the fans of Crank and the first two Transporter movies (and you should be!), you are in for a real treat with this latest Jason Statham vehicle. As a bonus, you will also enjoy the company of the always great Ben Foster as Statham's protege. Jason has taken the role of a hitman, and despite that some of the clichés are still present, the film offers several surprises in its plot. And the typical Statham's humour is spot-on. Perfect entertainment for a night out with the mates. (Tandem)

Бурлеска / Burlesque - So if you are sick of rags to riches stories, with the provincial girl struggling to find her way in the big city, stay away from this. On the other hand, if you treat the material with a little bit of irony and want to see good dance numbers and beautiful actors, this is the film for you. And it has X-tina and Cher as the main protagonists, while Stanley Tucci is a wonder as always. Perfect entertainment for a night out with the girls. (Alexandra)

Стъпки в пясъка (Bulgaria) - As it is becoming a tradition, I've skipped yet another Bulgarian movie, so any judgement would not be based on facts. Nevertheless, some viewers say the film is not so bad and we should give it a chance, or maybe not... (ProFilms)

Missed opportunity - Secretariat - It's not that there has ever been a chance this movie to be played in the Bulgarian cinemas, but somebody has slotted it for this date and it even has a BG title... Of course, the story of a US racing horse is too, hmm, US for these parts of the world, but Diane Lane in the main role would have been interesting to be seen. (Responsible - Forum Film)

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