понеделник, 30 юли 2012 г.

Austrian Economic News - Week 23 -29 Jul - Die Deutsche Version


Außer zwei wichtiger Nachrichten am Abend startete die österreichische Wirtschaftswoche langsam. Am Morgen verkündigte der Faserspezialist Lenzing, dass er seine Kooperation mit der südafrikanischen Papiergruppe Sappi intensiviert hat. Die österreichische Bank BAWAG PSK und Versicherer Generali meldeten am Montag, dass die zwei Partner ihre Zusammenarbeit bis zu 2023 verlangen haben. Die aktuelle exklusive Partnerschaft endet im 2017.
Am Abend gab die in Zürich gelistete austriamicrosystems bekannt, dass wegen erhebliches Wachstums bei Nachfrage ihr EBIT auf EUR 39.6m im ersten Halbjahr von EUR 15.8m in der Vorjahresperiode gestiegen ist. Der Umsatz lag um 65% auf EUR 186.8m zu. Die Firma rechnet mit einer Erhöhung ihres Umsatzes von 40% im ganzen Jahr.
Nach der Schlussglocke der Börse war klargeworden, dass das verpflichtende Übernahmeangebot der Cross für den Motorradhersteller KTM und den Autozulieferer Pankl wenig Interesse von den Aktionären begegnet. Deshalb soll das Angebot mit drei Monaten bis zu 23 Oktober verlangt sein.  


Dienstag startete mit dem Finanzergebnisbericht des Leiterplattenhersteller AT&S. Die steirische Firma meldete einen Nettogewinn von EUR 0.52m im ersten Quartal ihres Fiskaljahres gegenüber EUR 2.06m in der Vorjahresperiode. Der Umsatz stieg allerdings um 14% auf EUR 126.03m. Das Quartal war durch Ereignisse beim Mobile Device Segment geprägt.
Schlechte Nachrichten für die Arbeiter des angeschlagenen deutschen Versandhändlers Neckermann. Die Firma hat entschieden, alle ihre 300 Arbeiter in Graz zu entlassen. 
Am Dienstag bestätigte die Kreditagentur Moody's das Triple-A-Rating für die Pfandbriefe der Erste Group - eine der wichtigsten Banken in Österreich. 


Am Mittwoch hat der führende Stromversorger Verbund sein Finanzergebnisse bekanntgemacht. Die Firma hat von der guten Wasserführung in Österreich profitiert und ihr Konzerngewinn stieg um 12.4% auf EUR 198.2m im ersten Halbjahr. Die Erlöse stiegen um 7% auf EUR 1.563bn. Für das ganze Jahr erwartet die Verbund einen operativen Gewinn von rund EUR 800m und einen Konzerngewinn von EUR 350m.
Am Abend sagte der Baukonzern Strabag, dass er sein Ziel ein EBIT von EUR 300m im Jahr 2012 zu haben nicht realisieren kann. Das Unternehmen rechnet nun nur mit EUR 200m wegen Verzögerungen bei öffentlichen Projekten in ZEE, und besonders in Polen.
Außerdem teilte die Oberbank mit, dass sie zwei Anleiheinitiativen um bis zu EUR 130m einzusammeln gestartet hat.
Die Erste Group meldete am Mittwoch, dass sie ihren Anteil am Immobilienentwickler Immo AG auf mehr als 10% erhöht hat.


Es gab nur zwei wichtige Nachrichten am Donnerstag und der Feuerfestmaterialproduzent RHI meldete, dass er etwa EUR 130m von der Ausgabe von Schuldscheindarlehen gesammelt hat. Die Erlöse werden für Liquiditätsziele benutzt sein. Der Baukonzern Strabag bestätigte, dass er vom Bau einer Brücke in Kroatien für EUR 20m zurückgezogen hat. Das Unternehmen hat keine  Auftragserteilung zum Baustart bekommen. 


Am Freitag genehmigt die Bundeswettbewerbsbehörde (BWB) die Anteile des mexikanischen Milliardärs Carlos Slim an der Telekom Austria. Nur hat Slims Firma America Movil 9.89% an der Telekom und wird ihre Anteile auf 25.9% mit dem Zukauf der Aktien des österreichischen Investors Ronny Pecik erhöhen.
Schlumberger, Österreichs führende Sekthersteller, plant angeblich seine ganze Produktion in Niederösterreich zu bündeln. Damit wird der Standort in Wien nur Vertrieb aufnehmen, schrieb der Standard am Freitag.
Der Caterer Do&Co verkündigte am Freitag, dass er einen neuen Auftrag von den British Airways bekommen hat. Die Firma wird die Menüs auf den Flügen zwischen London und New York versorgen.

Austrian Economic News - Week 23 -29 Jul


Bar a couple of more important news in the evening, the week started slowly for Austria's business world. In the morning fibre specialist Lenzing announced that it would intensify its collaboration with paper group Sappi, based in South Africa. Austrian bank BAWAG PSK and insurer Generali revealed on Monday their decision to prolong their cooperation until at least 2023. The current exclusive partnership expires in 2017.
In the evening austriamicrosystems, which is listed in Zurich, published its first-half financial figures. Due to considerable growth in demand, EBIT soared to EUR 39.6m from EUR 15.8m a year earlier, while revenue grew 65% to EUR 186.8m. The firm sees its revenue for 2012 up by about 40% compared with last year.
After the closing bell of the stock exchange, it became clear that the recently launched mandatory takeover offer of Cross for motorcycle producer KTM and auto-parts supplier Pankl is facing a little interest. Thus, the offer was prolonged by three months until October 23.


The financial-figures report of printed circuit board maker AT&S led the news on Tuesday. The Styria-based firm revealed a net profit of EUR 0.52m for the first quarter of 2012/13, compared with EUR 2.06m a year earlier. Sales, however, grew 14% to EUR 126.03m. The quarter was affected by events in the Mobile Device segment, the firm said.
Bad news for the workers of collapsed German catalogue retailer Neckermann. The company decided to lay off all its 300 employees in Graz. Last but not least, credit agency Moody's has confirmed its triple-A rating on the bonds of Erste Group - one of the leading banks in Austria.  


On Wednesday it was top power utility Verbund, which revealed its financial figures in the morning. The company benefited from the good water supply in Austria and reported a 12.4% increase in net profit to EUR 198.2m in the first half of 2012. Revenues grew 7% to EUR 1.563bn. For full 2012 Verbund projects an operating profit of about EUR 800m and net profit of EUR 350m.
In the evening leading construction company Strabag announced that it won't be able to reach its target of EUR 300m in EBIT for 2012 and expects to achieve only two-thirds of the aim. The reduction was due to delay of public projects in CEE, especially in Poland.
In addition, Oberbank revealed two bond initiatives via which it will raise up to EUR 130m. Throughout the day, Erste Group said it had boosted its stake in real estate developer Immo AG to more than 10%.


Thursday was slow on news with only refractory material maker RHI and construction group Strabag announcing something of an importance. RHI said it had raised EUR 130m via the issue of bonded loans (or Schuldscheindarlehen). The proceeds will be used for securing the company's liquidity. Strabag confirmed on Thursday that it is withdrawing from a contract for the construction of a bridge in Croatia worth EUR 20m. The move was due to the lack of a "notice of commence".


On Friday the Austrian Competition Watchdog approved the increase stake of Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim in Telekom Austria. America Movil, a company of Slim, holds 9.89% in Telekom Austria and will raise its shareholding to 25.9% with the buy of the shares of Austrian investor Ronny Pecik.
Schlumberger, Austria's top producer of champagne, is reportedly planning to bundle all its production in Lower Austria. Thus, the site in Vienna will cater only for administration, daily Der Standard reported.
On Friday catering specialist Do&Co announced it had won a new order from British Airways. The Austrian company will serve meals on all London - New York flights. 

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 27.07

Die Österreichische Hitparade
1. Tacabro - Tacata (5th week at #1)
2. Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers (last week at #2)
3. Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna (up from #6)
The new entries & other important positions :
8. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (up from #14)
9. Cascada - Rhythm of The Night (up from #16)
16. The Wanted - Chasing Sun (up from #37)
38. Alanis Morissette - Guardian (neu) *
52. Trackshittaz - Geiler ois (neu) **
60. Takata - Tacata (neu) *

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 27.07

The Swedish reign of the German singles chart continues as Lykke Li's "I follow rivers" spends a third week on top, with Loreen's "Euphoria" once again the follow-up. At the same time "Balada" of Gusttavo Lima enters the top three for the first time.

Also on the rise is Asaf Avidan's "One day/Reckoning song", which moves up eight to enter the first ten at #6, while Lana Del Rey scores a second top ten hit with "Summertime Sadness" at #8, up from #15.
Video - Asaf Avidan
Video - Lana Del Rey

At #21 Chris Brown's "Don't Wake Me Up" marks a new peak, while in its second week Pink's "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" shoots itself from #45 to #26.
Video - Pink

Further down the chart, Gossip continue to show their love in Germany as "Move In The Right Direction" rises from #51 to #35, on its way to be a worthy successor of previous single "Perfect World" (peak #13).

As the saying goes - it's better late than never. So finally, One Direction's global smash "What Make You Beautiful" sneaks its way into the top 50 and can be found at #40, up from #54.

After the top three success of "2012 (If the World Would End)", "Sunshine (Fly so high)", the newest material from Swiss DJ Mike Candys soars from #78 to #49 this week.

And the new entries new week:

66. D´Banj - Oliver Twist
79. Project B. feat. Kelly Rowland - Summer dreaming 2012
82. Kelly Clarkson - Dark side

The Album Chart

Not much going on in the upper reaches of the Album Chart, with Cro, Linkin Park and Die Toten Hosen filling in an unchanged top three.

петък, 27 юли 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 27 July 2012

Черният рицар: Възраждане / Dark Knight Rises - If you are the among the three ignorant people out there who don't like the first two Nolan-directed Batman movies, don't expect the third outing of the Caped Crusader to convert your mind. Christopher Nolan, who is slowly turning into the best director of his generation, has delivered a movie, which despite working splendidly on its own, makes the perfect part three of a trilogy, marking a full circle and binding plot lines started in Batman Begins seven years ago. And here, along with the final 10 minutes of DKR, lies the greatness of part three. It's not that the other clogs of the pic aren't perfect either - the script is imaginative and extremely topical (in this dark and full-of-terror nights), the acting superb (it's the first Batman movie which feels most like an ensemble piece, rather than a one-hero journey), the music thrilling. It's clear that the effects are top-notch magnificent but the scope is so epic that even the Avengers may be envy of the universe of Bruce Wayne. Furthermore, the decision to use Bane as the antagonist, who physically is superior than Batman, has paid off. Some may need time to adjust to his voice, but his vocal abilities, together with the entire presence of Tom Hardy and the look in his eyes, make him a great successor to the Joker. In addition, the Catwoman brings a stylish and enigmatic performance, which is million miles away from the way Burton and Pfeiffer treated the character in the great Batman Returns. But who might have expected any different from Nolan - he has managed to reboot a franchise brought to his knees and to make three indisputable masterpieces for the new millennium. And though the question marks before a fourth outing remain too many, we can at least wait for Nolan's treatment on Superman next year. Step forward Man of Steel! (Alexandra) *****

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

четвъртък, 26 юли 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 20 - 22 July

Beauty was never among top criteria for movie's success
As there were no new major releases in Bulgarian cinemas last week, Ice Age 4 untroubled spends a third week on top and already has the eye-popping BGN 1,438,430. The movie is slowly but undoubtedly turning into the most successful film of 2012.

You can check the rest of the top ten here: Box Office Mojo

Next weekend's projection:

The Dark Knight Rises - BGN 190,000

(1 BGN =  0.64 USD / EUR 0.51)

Austrian Economic News - Week 16 -22 Jul - Die Deutsche Version


Die österreichische jährliche Teuerungsrate lag bei 2.2% im Juni, gegenüber 2.3% im April und 2.1% im Mai. Die Preise waren von den "Wasser, Wohnung und Energie" und "Nahrungsmittel" Kategorien getrieben. Das harmonisierte Euro-Zone Index stand bei 2.2%.
Duropack, eine Tochter der Constantia Packaging, plant das Squeeze-Out ihrer kroatischen Tochter Belische. Die Duropack kontrolliert 95.73% an der Belisce.
Die Strauss Gruppe hat ihren Anteil an den Stimmrechten in der österreichischen Baugruppe Porr von 6.01% auf 43.94% erhöht. Die Erhöhung war mit dem Kauf der Anteile der B&C und UniCredit Bank Austria durchgeführt. Sie soll von der Übernahmekommission genehmigt sein. 


Der österreichische Mautspezialist Kapsch TrafficCom sagte am Dienstag, dass sein Umsatz um 45% auf EUR 550m im Fiskaljahr 2011/12 gestiegen ist. Der Nettogewinn gab allerdings um 3% auf 27.5m wegen Projektverzögerungen nach. Die Firma ist grundsaetzlich optimistisch für das aktuelle Jahr.
Die Ratingsagentur Moody's hat die Kreditrating für die Bank Austria auf A3 bestätigt trotz der Herabstufung der Rating ihrer Mutter - die italienische UniCredit.
Stephan Koren, der neue Vorstandschef der angeschlagenen OeVAG , sagte, dass die Bank bevor eine heftige Restrukturierung steht aber sie kann gerettet sein. Das Mandat Korens läuft für fünf Jahren.


Der russische Investor Oleg Deripaska hat weitere 0.6% von seinen Aktien an der Baugruppe Strabag zurückgekauft. Nun kontrolliert Deripaska etwa 17.6% an der Strabag. Der Investor hat seine Aktien, die mit Fremdkapital gekauft waren, wegen der Finanzkrise zurückgegeben aber hat dann ein Zurückskaufrecht gesichert.


Die update software AG meldete am Donnerstag einen EBIT-Verlust von EUR 0.3m im zweiten Quartal des Jahres, gegenüber einem Gewinn von EUR 0.3m in der Vorjahresperiode. Die Erlöse stiegen um 4% auf EUR 8.4m. Die Firma erklärte den Verlust mit der Steigerung der Arbeitnehmerzahl und mit der Investitionen in Produktentwicklung. Für das ganze 2012 rechnet update mit Erlöse von EUR 36m und mit einem ausgeglichenen Betriebsergebnis.
Die Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG plant bis zu EUR 15m mit einer Anleiheausgabe einzusammeln. Die Anleihe wird einen Kupon von 7.75% tragen. Die Einnahmen werden für Wachstumsinitiativen benutzt sein.    
Der Motorradproduzent KTM teilte mit, dass er einen Rekordhoch von 50,233 Motorräder im ersten Halbjahr, ein Wachstum von 36%, verkauft hat. Damit hat die Firma für das erste Mal einen Anteil von 7% am Europamarkt registriert.


Die Öl- und Gasgruppe OMV verkündigte am Freitag, dass ihre Produktion auf 305,000 Öl-Äquivalent (boe) pro Tag im zweiten Quartal des Jahres gestiegen ist, gegenüber 275,000 boe in der Vorjahresperiode und 299,000 boe im ersten Quartal. Das Wachstum war von der Normalisierung der Produktion in Libyen getrieben. Wegen Hedging von Ölpreisen ist das EBIT der Firma im zweiten Quartel mit EUR 35m belastet.
Der Unterwäschehersteller Wolford teilte mit, dass sein Gewinn nach Steuern auf EUR 1.4m im Fiskaljahr 2011/12 von EUR 5.1m im Vorjahr wegen Effekte von einer Steuerprüfung gefallen ist. Der Umsatz stieg um 1.3% auf EUR 154.1m. Die Firma plant eine unveränderte Dividende von EUR 0.40 je Aktie.

Austrian Economic News - Week 16 -22 Jul


Austria's annual inflation rate stood at 2.2% in June 2012, compared with 2.3% in April and 2.1% in May. Prices were boosted by the "home, water and energy" and "food" categories. The harmonised euro-zone index came in at 2.2%.
Duropack, a subsidiary of Constantia Packaging, plans a squeeze-out at its Croatian unit Belisce. Duropack owns currently 95.73% in Belisce.
The Strauss group has raised its share of the voting rights in Austrian builder Porr to 43.94% from 6.01% with the buy of the shares of B&C and UniCredit Bank Austria in it. The move has to be approved by the takeover commission.


Austrian toll system specialist Kapsch TrafficCom said its sales grew 45% to EUR 550m in fiscal 2011/12. Net profit, however, went down 3% to EUR 27.5m due to delay in projects. The company is in principle optimistic for the current fiscal year.
Moody's has kept the credit rating of Bank Austria at A3 despite the reduction of the rating for its parent, Italian UniCredit.
Stephan Koren, who will become CEO of troubled OeVAG as of September, said that the bank needs substantial restructuring but can be saved. Koren's mandate will run for five years.


Russian investor Oleg Deripaska has repurchased further 0.6% of his former stake in Austrian construction group Strabag. Now Deripaska owns a total of 17.6% in Strabag. The investor had to abandon his shares, bought via borrowed capital, during the financial crisis but secured then a repurchasing right.


update software AG reported on Thursday an EBIT-loss of EUR 0.3m for the second quarter of 2012, compared with EUR 0.3m in profit a year earlier. Revenues edged up 4% to EUR 8.4m. The company attributed the EBIT-loss to the growth in employees number and investments in product portfolio. For full 2012 update predicts revenues of EUR 36m and a break-even operating profit.
Sanochemia Pharmazeutika AG plans to raise up to EUR 15m via a bond issue. The interest rate will stand at 7.75%. The proceeds will be used for the growth initiatives of the pharmaceuticals developer.
Motorcycle producer KTM said it sold a record-high of 50,233 motorcycles in the first half of the year - growth of 36% in annual terms. Thus the firm reached for the first time a share of 7% on the European market.


Oil and gas group OMV said its production grew to 305,000 boe per day in the second quarter of the year from 275,000 boe a year earlier and 299,000 boe in the first quarter. The growth was due to the return of the production in Libya to normal levels. In view of oil price hedging effects, the company's EBIT was burdened by EUR 35m.
Austrian lingerie maker Wolford said its net profit decreased to EUR 1.4m in fiscal 2011/12 from EUR 5.1m a year earlier due to effects from a tax audit. Sales went up 1.3% to EUR 154.1m. The company will propose an unchanged dividend of EUR 0.40 per share.

понеделник, 23 юли 2012 г.

Hot New Playlist - Issue Date 23.07

The Hot New Playlist

No Doubt - Settle Down
Keane - Black Rain
Frank Ocean - Thinking About You
French Montana - Pop That
Thomas Rhett - Something To Do With My Hands
Lemar - Invincible
Devlin - Watchtower (ft. Ed Sheeran)
Aiden Grimshaw - Curtain Call
Angel - Wonderful
Jake Bugg - Taste It
Jessie Ware - Wildest Moments
Sam and the Womp - Bom Bom 
Spector - Never Fade Away
Y'akoto - Without You 
Madonna - Turn Up The Radio  
George Michael - White Light
Lil Wayne - My Homies Still (ft. Big Sean)
Anastacia - What Can We Do (Deeper Love)
Blank & Jones with Cathy Battistessa - Happiness
Dr.Alban - Loverboy
Kosheen - Holding On
Lolita Jolie - Non Non Non
Paul Van Dyk Ft Arty - The Ocean
Shaun Baker feat. Felix Schreiber - All That I Am Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness
The Other Playlists
Playlist 2


Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 20.07

Die Österreichische Hitparade
1. Tacabro - Tacata (4th week at #1)
2. Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers (up from #9)
3. Culcha Candela - Von allein (up from #8)
The new entries & other important positions :
6. Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna (up from #36)
19. Pink - Blow Me (One Last Kiss) (neu)
37. The Wanted - Chasing the Sun (up from #58)
54. Cro - Einmal um die Welt (neu)
57. Jay Sean ft. Pitbull - I'm Yours (neu)
61. Deichkind - Der Mond (neu)
69. Cro - Hi Kids (neu)
74. Wisin & Yandel ft. Jennifer Lopez - Follow the Leader (neu)*

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 20.07

A second week for Lykke Li on top of the German singles chart with "I Follow Rivers" as the interest in the song has also triggered demand for the cover version of Triggerfinger, which shoots itself from #46 to #12. The top three is completed with Loreen's "Euphoria" at #2, which finally boasts a video, and by Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe" at #3.

At the same time euro summer dance smashes "Tacatà" of Tacabro and "Balada (Tchê Tcherere Tchê Tchê)" of Gusttavo Lima are advancing towards the top at #4 and #5, respectively.

Also on the rise in the top 30:

#14 Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - One Day / Reckoning Song (up from #17)
#15 Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (up from #16)
#17 Usher - Scream (up from #19)
#23 Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up (up from #27)
#28 DJ Fresh feat. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now (up from #38)
#29 Chima - Morgen (up from #50)

As a week earlier the highest new entry belongs to rap supernova Cro. Coinciding with the entry of his debut album at #1, the singer brings another batch of tracks in the top 100 led by "Einmal um die Welt" at #35.

After a slow entry outside the top 50 Katy Perry's latest "Wide Awake" soars from #55 to #39, thus making her string of top 40 singles unharmed. 

The second highest new entry is at #40 belonging to Jay Sean and (of course) Pitbull. "I'm All Yours" is the third single of Jay Sean to enter the German top 100 next to "Down" (peak #9) and "Hit the Lights" (#62).

Pink is also back with her latest "Blow Me (One Last Kiss)" at #45. It's a subdued new entry but having in mind she is loved in Germany, could we expect the single to rise as it gains in promotion?

And the other new entries

#53 Silbermond - Fdsmh (Für dich schlägt mein Herz)
#55 Kraftklub - Kein Liebeslied
#68 Deichkind - Der Mond
#76 Wiz Khalifa - Work Hard Play Hard
#85 An Tagen wie diesen - Tage wie diese
#86 Jonas Myrin - Day Of The Battle
#90 The Wanted - Chasing The Sun
#93 Taio Cruz - World In Our Hands
#95 Cro - Ein Teil
#98 Cro - Nie mehr
#100 Yakoto - Without You 

The Album Chart  

In the LP countdown Cro puts an end to the reign of Linkin Park as his "Raop" enters directly at #1. Thus Linkin Park are #2, followed by Die Toten Hosen at #3.

събота, 21 юли 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 20 July 2012 / Cancelled Releases

Acting with rage against BG cinema distribution
Аврора / Aurora (Romania) (A+) - This Romanian 180-minute extravaganza will be released only in the two arthouse cinemas in Sofia, so it could not conceal the fact that we have a week with no major releases in Bulgaria. And here are just some of the titles which were not distributed in Bulgaria this summer:

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
The Three Stooges
The Five-Year Engagement
Think Like A Man
Friends with Kids
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
People Like Us
Moonrise Kingdom
Katy Perry: Part Of Me
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3
The Odd Life Of Timothy Green
The Apparition

And more to come... Go and watch Ice Age 4 again, it's not that it will become better on a second or a third viewing...
Trailer - Aurora

четвъртък, 19 юли 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 13 - 15 July

No technique could have helped him
The Ice Age phenomenon continues to be strong as the last instalment of the movie crossed the BGN 1m threshold in Bulgaria for just 12 days, a record, which is rarely seen on these shores. Thus, the completely unoriginal Continental Drift already has BGN 1,021,466 and the franchise is once again on its way to become the most profitable animated title here. 

Thus, The Amazing Spider-Man had expectedly zero chances to beat Scrat and has to contend with the runner-up slot. Released on 26 screens, or almost as half as Ice Age, the reboot collects BGN 93,575 for the weekend. The Spider-Man brand was never that popular here, and for comparison Raimi's Spider-Man was a flop with a total of USD 123,000, Spider-Man 2 was no different with USD 138,000 and Spider-Man 3 ended its run with USD 149,000. It's more than clear that the newest version, boosted by 3D and IMAX surcharges (and the cinema chain expansion) will collect more at the end. It won't be much of a hit nevertheless.

You can check the rest of the chart here: Box Office Mojo

This week the top ten is left by Men In Black 3, which managed to collect BGN 655,007, a great result but I guess its distributor had expected more, and by 2 Days In New York with the paultry BGN 23,435.

Compared to my expectations, Spider-Man opened slightly higher than my BGN 75,000 forecast.

Next weekend's forecast:


(1 BGN =  0.64 USD / EUR 0.51)

понеделник, 16 юли 2012 г.

Hot New Playlist - Issue Date 16.07

Loreen - Euphoria (Official Video)
Florence And The Machine - Spectrum (Calvin Harris Remix)
Ben Howard - Old Pine
Dry the River - No Rest
Maxsta - I Wanna Rock
Netsky - Love Has Gone
Redlight - Lost In Your Love
RITA ORA - How We Do (Party)
Paloma Faith - 30 Minute Love Affair
Bloc Party - Octopus
M. Pokora - Merci d'être
Trey Songz - 2 Reasons ft. T.I. 
Drumsound and Bassline Smith - Through The Night      

The Other Playlists

неделя, 15 юли 2012 г.

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 13.07

Die Österreichische Hitparade
1. Tacabro - Tacata (3rd week at #1)
2. Flo Rida - Whistle (up from #3)
3. Gusttavo Lima - Balada (up from #4)
The new entries & other important positions :

9. Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers (up from #20)
16. Cascada - The Rhythm of The Night (up from #33)
25. Pitbull ft. Shakira - Get It Started (neu)
32. Cro - Du (neu)
35. Michael Mind Project feat. Dante Thomas - Feeling So Blue (up from #56)  
39. Keiner mag Faustmann - Wien - Berlin (up from #74) **
58. The Wanted - Chasing The Sun (neu) *
63. Cro - King of Raop (neu)
65. Flo Rida - Let It Roll (neu)
66. Kris ft. Dante Thomas - Diese Tage (neu)
69. Cro - Meine Zeit (neu)
71. Asaf Avidan - One Day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Rmx) (neu)
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

събота, 14 юли 2012 г.

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 13.07

Though many have expected the second single of German rapper Cro to top the charts this week, the singer manages to bring "Du" to "only" #2. Thus Cro already has two singles reaching the runner-up slot in his short chart career. This, however, doesn't mean that we do not have a new number one as Swedish singer Lykke Li rises six positions to claim the crown from Die Toten Hosen. "I Follow Rivers" has benefited from the use during the coverage of several sports events and is more famous with its Magician remix rather than the original version. It is also worth noting that Lykke Li is the second Swedish singer to top the countdown in just a month after Loreen's "Euphoria". 

While Gusttavo Lima continues rising with his "Balada" (this week at #11, up from #14), Israeli folk-rock musician Asaf Avidan is also scoring his first ever top 20 single at #17 (up from #44) with "One Day/Reckoning Song". And just as "I Follow Rivers", it's once again not the original version gaining in popularity rather than the Wankelmut edit.
Video - Gusttavo LIma

Due to the latest changes in the download rules, next to his #2 new entry Cro can be found with another two songs inside the top 40 - at #24 with "King Of Raop" and at #33 with "Meine Zeit".

The highest non-Cro new entry belongs to Pitbull, who this time has teamed up with superstar Shakira. "Get It Started" is the follow-up to Pitbull's "Back In Time" (peak #5) and enters at #31.

This week also marks the appearance for the first time of UK smash "Hot Right Now" in the top 50. The DJ Fresh/Rita Ora collaboration rises to #38 from #55.

And the other new entries

#59 Flo Rida - Let It Roll
#78 Alexander Knapp - Weil ich wieder zu Hause bin
#95 Bakkushan - Nur in der Nacht
#96 Muse - Survival
#100 Diese Tage - Ich liebe diese Tage

The Album Chart

With Linkin Park spending a second week on top, it's only Blackmore's Night's latest LP "A Knight In York" to enter directly in the top 10 at #8. It's only the second album of Ritchie Blackmore's band to enter the top 10 in Germany.

петък, 13 юли 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 13 July 2012

Невероятният Спайдър-мен / The Amazing Spider-Man - It was always clear that a reboot of Spider-Man so soon after the more-or-less successful trilogy of Sam Raimi will be met either with indifference or with a suspicious eye. Therefore all kudos should go to Sony, who've placed the film in the hands of (500) Days of Summer director Marc Webb (yes, the name shows that he was destined for this job), who manages to deliver the familiar story with a fresh twist. Webb not only knows how to handle his actors but shows a good sense in terms of visual effects and makes great use of the 3D. And let's be clear - the 3D technology has been created to show Spidey swinging across New York. The success of The Amazing Spider-Man, however, relies also on the selection of Andrew Garfield for the main part, who seems to be having much fun with the role and is perfect to play a nerd with a secret. Three minutes in and you'll already forget about Tobey (it's not that Maguire's take on the character wasn't any good). Far better that Kirsten Dunst, however, is Emma Stone (it's not the same character but who cares), whose charm coupled with some sort of lovely geekiness will make you wish to have her within your circle of friends. And though at the end The Amazing Spider-Man is not the most original movie out there (it doesn't have the scope of The Avengers or the atmosphere of Nolan's Batman) and though its antagonist, though spectacular, is not as memorable as say the Green Goblin, the foundations for a new franchise have been solidly laid. (Alexandra) ****

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 6 - 8 July

It's all its fault
It was always expected that Ice Age 4 would debut with a splash in Bulgaria and the franchise proves that it is still alive and kicking with its BGN 447,798 collected for five days. It's really the best debut of the year, ahead of The Avengers, but still pales in comparison to the almost BGN 700,000 heavy premiere of Ice Age 3. And on top of that Ice Age 4 benefits from its release on the record 42 screens (the number of cinemas has not increased), a fact explained with the deliberate or not lack of competition in Bulgarian cinemas (Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer and Paranorman were the latest pics to be cancelled from cinema release here). And with only Spider Man and Batman remaining for July, it is clear that the path before the hit status of Ice Age 4 was well paved.

The second out of total four July releases enters at #2. Magic Mike draws BGN 33,801 for the weekend or BGN 45,522, including previews. This more or less equals the debut of 21 Jump Street, which was also headed by Channing Tatum. At the same time Haywire, with its more macho premise (yes, really), started with BGN 71,402, including previews. Still, the figures of Magic Mike are more or less satisfactory.

You can check the rest of the chart here: BoxOffice Mojo

The top ten is left this week by flop Rock of Ages and its BGN 41,240, a result equal to the USD 28,000 of Hairspray.

Compared to my projections, both Ice Age 4 and Magic Mike managed to draw more than my respective BGN 280,000 and BGN 32,000 forecasts.

Next weekend's forecast:

The Amazing Spider Man - 75,000

(1 BGN =  0.64 USD / EUR 0.51)

понеделник, 9 юли 2012 г.

Hot New Playlist - Issue Date 9.07

Andrew Spencer - Give It Up (Game Of Love) 
Cro - Du
House Rockerz - Feiern ist Wichtig
Ne-Yo - Lazy Love
Blur - Under the Westway
Calvin Harris - We'll Be Coming Back (ft. Example)
David Guetta - I Can Only Imagine (ft. Chris Brown)
Deichkind - Der Mond 
Der König tanzt - Der König tanzt 
Dream Dance Alliance - Free Falling
Project B feat. Kelly Rowland - Summer Dreaming 2012
Karima Francis - Glory Days
Joss Stone - While You're Out Looking For Sugar
Ren Harvieu - Tonight
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Everybody's On The Run        
Alt-J - Tessellate
B.O.B featuring Taylor Swift - Both Of Us
Bombay Bicycle Club - Beg
A$AP Rocky - Goldie
Cedric Gervais - Molly 
Disclosure - Control (ft. Ria Ritchie)
Asaf Avidan & the Mojos - One Day (Wankelmut Remix)
Max Herre feat. Antonio - Jeder Tag Zuviel  
Kimbra - Settle Down 
Zac Brown Band - The Wind 
Wale, Rick Ross, & Meek Mill Ft. T Pain - Bag Of Mine
Groove Coverage - Riot on the Dancefloor
Big Time Rush - Windows Down 
The extended playlist: Playlist  

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 6.07

Die Österreichische Hitparade
1. Tacabro - Tacata (2nd week at #1)
2. Loreen - Euphoria (up from #3) 
3. Flo Rida - Whistle (down from #2)

The new entries & other important positions :

15. Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness (up from #21)
20. Triggerfinger - I Follow Rivers (neu)
24. DJ Fresh ft. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now (up from #59)
30.  Katy Perry - Wide Awake (up from #71)
32. Timati & La La Land feat. Timbaland & Grooya - Not All About The Money (neu)
33. Cascada - The Rhythm of The Night (neu)
41. Marquess - ¡Bienvenido! (up from #72)
57. Mr. Takata - Tacata (neu) *
73. Die Toten Hosen - Draussen vor der Tür (neu) *
74. Keiner mag Faustmann - Wien - Berlin (neu) **

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

неделя, 8 юли 2012 г.

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 6.07

The latest German top three remains unchanged with Die Toten Hosen leading the pack for a fifth week. The German band is followed by Linkin Park's "Burn It Down" and Loreen's "Euphoria". Linkin Park have also benefited from the release of their album, which have allowed several of the LP tracks to enter the lower reaches of the singles chart. 
Video - Die Toten Hosen 
Video - Linkin Park  

At #14 Gusttavo Lima is slowly but steadily turning into the next Michel Telo as his " Balada (Tchê Tcherere Tchê Tchê)" rises from #23.

A position behind Gusttavo Lana Del Rey marks the highest new entry of the week. "Summertime Sadness" is the third single from Lana's "Born To Die" album and by entering at #15 is a worthier successor to the #1 hit "Video Games" than "Born To Die" (peak #29).

And on the rise inside the top 50 with new peaks:

25 Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up (up from #32)
29 Timati & La La Land feat. Timbaland & Grooya - Not All About The Money (up from #90) - Timati has a guest appearance on DJ Antoine's "Welcome to St. Tropez" but this is his foray in the top 30 as a lead singer. 
36 Philipp Poisel - Ich will nur (up from #43)
42 Marquess - ¡Bienvenido! (up from #61) - The German band was last inside the top 50 with their "Arriba" (peak at #16).
44 Asaf Avidan & The Mojos - One Day / Reckoning Song (up from #49)

The second highest new entry comes in at #35. Cascada's "The Rhythm Of The Night" is of course cover of Corona's dance smash from 1993, which itself reached #8.

And the other new entries:

54 Katy Perry - Wide Awake 
68 Linkin Park - Lost In The Echo 
79 Gossip - Move In The Right Direction 
83 Linkin Park - In My Remains 
89 Endless Summer - Endless Summer

The Album Chart

Linkin Park manage to remove Die Toten Hosen from the summit in Germany's LP chart with their "Living Things". It's their fourth consecutive studio album to reach #1 in the country. Maroon 5's "Overexposed" debuts at #4, while The Offspring's "Days Go By" enters at #5.