петък, 30 март 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 30 March 2012

Гневът на титаните / Wrath of The Titans - To mock Clash of the Titans from 2010 is easy - cheap 3D conversion, hollow story, wooden acting, zillions of US dollars in the box office... And here comes the (inevitable and unnecessary) sequel. And it's better, but this was not the hard task. The more difficult endeavour was to deliver a movie with a thrilling twist on the Greek mythology as everyone who has read the shenanigans of Zeus and co. knows that there is enough meat there to make a really unforgettable film. Unfortunately, the people behind Wrath have decided to focus their attention towards the visual part of the story and to deprive the viewer from everything which can be a little more complicated. So we have great set pieces (Tartarus and the Labyrinth are striking indeed), memorable visual effects but a story written by a ten-year old boy. Even worse, the battles are presented with zero imagination and even repeat more or less what we've seen in part one (isn't the point of a Minotaur to chase you within a labyrinth?). On the plus side, Sam Worthington is bearable but he is once again overshadowed by the heavyweights. Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes this time have a real fun in their parts as the gods, but the changes in their character development are just plain stupid. And as the flop of John Carter has recently showed (in the USA at least), to rely only on visual effects doesn't guarantee you a hit. Oh, who am I trying to deceive here, Bulgarians will flood the cinemas for this one... (Alexandra) **

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

сряда, 28 март 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 23-25 March

Explaining BG distribution was a long story
After debuting with the enormous USD 152m in the USA, Hunger Games tops also the Bulgarian chart but with the quite disappointing BGN 69,152. Regardless of reports for sold-out halls, the movie was more or less killed by the invisible rules of Bulgarian distribution. As there are only two cinema chains in Bulgaria and as behind both of them stands a movie distributor (I rather think this would be a case of anti-monopoly sanctions in the normal countries), it is quite easy to come to a situation like this. Thus, Hunger Games is only screened in the multiplexes of Cinema City (and therefore had only 13 screens), while the cinemas of Arena do not play the movie (reportedly Arena didn't wish to give enough screens to Hunger Games, underestimating its power. However, I still think that the problems lie deeper and especially in the fact that Hunger Games is an independent title, and for such the rules for profit sharing are different). Perhaps now is the time to ask, when actually a third player with its own cinemas will come on the market to shake the things up. I'm not optimistic though...

The unpleasant situation doesn't stop here. The second new proposal of the week The Lorax flops at #4 with almost BGN 30,000. It is one of the worst debuts of a major animated movie lately, lagging even behind Gnomeo and Juliet, while it made twice as low as Horton Hears A Who. The problem once again is the fact that it's a Universal title, so, for reasons unknown, it cannot be played at the Cinema City chain (though distributor Forum Film and Cinema City are related). Thus, The Lorax was only screened in Arena and it may have turned to be insufficient. Oh, the fact that no one here cares about Dr. Zeus is also relevant.

It's not that when a movie is screened in Cinema City and Arena it becomes an instant hit. Therefore, Mirror Mirror comes in at #6 with the low BGN 16,000 and BGN 31,000 including previews. For comparison, Tarsem's last movie Immortals debuted with BGN 172,955. However, we should take into account that usually pictures targeted towards women and young girls have no chances for success in Bulgaria. We do love actions and action comedies after all. 

The top ten in full:

Change w/w
Result for the weekend (in BGN)
Total result
(in BGN)
Hunger Games
69,152 69,152
John Carter
The Foreigner
The Lorax
21 Jump Street
Mirror Mirror
Rapid Reaction Corps -37%
Journey 2
This Means War
Beauty & The Beast

This week the top ten is left by The Descendants, which expectedly flopped with just BGN 35,910 so far - it's been nominated for Oscars, why to perform better!? Safe House, which despite played only in Arena, managed to collect BGN 261,333, proving my previous statement for action films in Bulgaria. Giving its more serious premise, Bulgaria's Ave struggled to find a bigger audience and retreats with just BGN 29,993.

Compared to my projections, Hunger Games was close to my BGN 75,000 forecast, The Lorax, however, missed my BGN 48,000 expectation, while Mirror Mirror was also considerably below my BGN 52,000 prediction (including previews).

Next weekend's predictions:

Wrath of The Titans - 158,000

(BGN 1 = USD 0.68/EUR 0.51)

вторник, 27 март 2012 г.

Austrian Economic News - Week 19-25 March - Deutsche Version


Die Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich hat ihren Anteil am Aluminiumhersteller AMAG um 4.7 Prozentpunkte auf 16.44% erhöht. Die Aktien wurden von der One Equity Partners (OEP) verkauft.
Die Österreichische Post AG plant den polnischen Zulieferdienst Kolportaz Rzetelny zu unternehmen, teilte das polnische Kartellamt am Montag mit. Die Kolportaz Rzetelny liefert Werbemittel.
Das Bauunternehmen Strabag will seine Erdneubarenergieaktivitäten fortsetzen und besonders bei dem Bau von Fundamenten von Offshore-Windparks.
Der Immobilienentwickler Conwert entschied seinen Hauptsitz in Wien im zweiten Quartal zu wechseln. Das frühere Stammhaus der Conwert wird vom Lingeriespezialist Palmers kauft sein.
Der Maschinenbauer Andritz hat einen Auftrag von EUR 45m in Kongo bekommen. Die Firma wird zwei Turbinen für ein Wasserkraftwerk bauen.
Die Pankl Racing Systems AG verkündigte, dass sein Umsatz um 17% auf EUR 105.4m in 2011 gestiegen ist, während der Nettogewinn sich auf EUR 4.5m von EUR 2.9m erhöhte. Das Geschäft war von der Verlängerung der Rennsaison und der positiven Entwicklung in den Automobil- und Luftraumbereichen verstärkt. Für 2012 rechnet die Firma mit einem Umsatzanstieg von 10% und Investitionen von etwa EUR 16m.


Die Strabag hat ein Schuldscheindarlehen von EUR 140m aufgenommen. Mit dem Darlehen plant das Bauunternehmen seine Finanzierungsstruktur zu diversifizieren.
Der Aufsichtsrat der OMV hat die Übertragung von Aktien als Bonus zu den Arbeitern und den Vorstandvorsitzenden zugestimmt. Die Entscheidung ist ein Teil von dem Long Term Incentive Plan 2009 der OMV.


Der Nettogewinn des Flughafen Wiens gab wegen Wertschreibungen und Einmaleffekte in 2011 um 53.3% auf EUR 31.6m nach. Die Dividende werden auf EUR 1 je Aktie halbiert sein. Die Erlöse stiegen um 9% auf EUR 582m. Für 2012 rechnet die Firma mit einem Nettogewinn von über EUR 50m.
Der Maschinenbauer Andritz hat einen Auftrag von EUR 44m für die Lieferung von Ausrüstung für das Beyhan-1 Wasserkraftwerk in der Türkei gewonnen. Das Werk wird in 2015 im Betrieb sein.
Die Strabag hat einen Auftrag von EUR 90m für die Erweiterung der U1 U-Bahn in Wien bekommen. Der Bau wird in 2016 abgeschlossen sein.
Die Stahlgruppe voestalpine plant weitere EUR 500m im ihren Standort Linz investiert, sagte Technikvorstand Wolfgang Lakata Jurnalisted am Mittwoch. Die Firma sei "fit" für die nächste Jahren, sagte er weiter.
Die Sparkassen Immobilien AG (s immo) teilte mit, dass ihre Mieteinnahmen in 2011 um 21.1% auf EUR 125.9m gestiegen sind. Der Jahresüberschuss erhöhte sich auf EUR 21.3m von EUR 2.1m. Die Ergebnisse waren durch abgeschlossene Entwicklungsprojekte und Übernahmen getrieben.


Der österreichische Faserhersteller Lenzing sagte, dass er eine Erhöhung seine Dividende auf EUR 2.5 je Aktie für 2011 plant. Die Firma bezahlte EUR 1.55 in 2010. Der Umsatz stieg um 21.2% auf einen Rekordhoch von EUR 2.14bn in 2011. Der Nettogewinn nahm auf EUR 258.7m zu.
Der Maschinenbauer Andritz teilte mit, dass er einen Auftrag von EUR 100m in Chile gewonnen hat. Die Firma wird Ausrüstung für Kohlekraftwerke liefern.
Die Strabag meldete, dass das Unternehmen 51% an der Schweizer Baunova zu übernehmen plant. Damit will die Strabag ein Teil von den Bauprojekten des BH Holdings sein.
Die UBM Realitätenentwicklung AG, eine Tochter der Baugruppe Porr, sagte, dass ihr Nettogewinn um 5.3% auf EUR 8.9m in 2011 wegen höher Steuerbelastungen gefallen ist. Die Erlöse stiegen allerdings um 71.4% auf EUR 196.4m. Die Gesellschaft gab keine Prognose für 2012.
Die Aktionäre der Andritz stimmten am Donnerstag die Erhöhung der Dividende auf EUR 2.2 von EUR 1.7 zu. Der 1:2 Aktiensplit war auch genehmigt.
Der Motorradhersteller KTM plant die Aufgabe von einer Anleihe von EUR 75m. Die Laufzeit der Anleihe ist fünf Jahren.


Der Immobilienentwickler Conwert hat einen neuen Hauptaktionär und Hans-Peter Haselsteiner hat über den Kauf von 23% an der Firma vereinbart. Der Vorstandschef der Strabag plant seinen Anteil auf 25% plus ein Aktie zu erhöhen.
Die C-Quadrat Investment AG teilte am Freitag mit, dass sein Nettogewinn auf EUR 3m für 2011 von EUR 15.3m für 2010 gefallen ist. Das Betriebsergebnis sank auf EUR 623,000 von EUR 9.4m. Die Ergebnisse waren durch die negative Börsenentwicklung geprägt.

понеделник, 26 март 2012 г.

Austrian Economic News - Week 19-25 March


Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich has raised its stake in aluminium producer AMAG by 4.7 percentage points to 16.44%. The shares were sold by One Equity Partners (OEP).
Austrian Post AG plans to take over Polish postal delivery specialist Kolportaz Rzetelny, the local antitrust authorities reported. The company specialises in the field of advertising materials delivery.
Austrian construction firm Strabag wants to expand its activities in the field of renewable energy and especially in the building of foundations for offshore wind parks.
Real estate developer Conwert has decided to change its corporate office in Vienna in the second quarter of the year. The previous headquarters building is to be sold to lingerie maker Palmers.
Technology group Andritz has received an order worth EUR 45m in Congo. The company will build two turbines for a hydropower plant.
Pankl Racing Systems AG announced its sales grew 17% to EUR 105.4m in 2011, while net profit rose to EUR 4.5m from EUR 2.9m. The business was supported by the prolonging of the race season and the positive development of the automotive and airspace sectors. For 2012 the company expects a 10% rise in sales and investments of some EUR 16m.


Strabag has issued a bonded loan worth EUR 140m. The move aims to diversify the company's financing structure.
The supervisory board of oil and gas group OMV has green lighted the transfer of shares as bonuses to the company's employees and managers. The decision is part of the Long Term Incentive Plan 2009 of OMV.


The net profit of Vienna Airport decreased 58.3% to EUR 31.6m in 2011 due to write-offs and one-off effects. The dividend will be halved to EUR 1 per share. Revenue was up 9% to EUR 582m. For 2012 the company projects a net profit of above EUR 50m.
Machinery maker Andritz had received a EUR 44m order for the delivery of equipment for the Beyhan-1 hydropower plant in Turkey. The plant will start operations in 2015.
Strabag has won an order worth EUR 90m to expand the U1 underground line in Vienna. Construction works are to be completed in 2016.
Steel group voestalpine will invest further EUR 500m in its site in Linz, CTO Wolfgang Lakata told journalists. The company is "fit" for the future, the manager added.
Sparkassen Immobilien AG (s immo) announced its rental income in 2011 grew by 21.1% to EUR 125.9m. Net profit soared to EUR 21.3m from EUR 2.1m. The results were boosted by finished development projects and acquisitions.  


Fibre producer Lenzing said that it plans to raise dividend to EUR 2.50 per share for 2011. For 2010 the company paid EUR 1.55. Sales grew 21.2% to a record-high of EUR 2.14bn in 2011. Net profit soared to EUR 258.7m.
Machinery builder Andritz said it had received a EUR 100m order in Chile. The Austrian company will provide equipment for coal-powered plants.
Strabag said it had agreed to buy 51% in Swiss Baunova. Thus Strabag would be able to take part in the construction projects of BH-Holding.
UBM Realitätenentwicklung AG, subsidiary of construction group Porr, said its net profit fell 5.3% to EUR 8.9m for 2011 due to bigger tax burdens. Revenues grew 71.4% to EUR 196.4m. The firm gave no forecast for 2012.
The shareholders of Andritz approved on Thursday the raise in the company's dividend to EUR 2.20 per share from EUR 1.7. The 1:2 stock split was also green lighted.
Motorcycle producer KTM plans to issue a bond worth EUR 75m. The maturity of the bond will be five years.


Real estate developer conwert has a new core shareholder after Hans-Peter Haselsteiner agreed to buy 23% in it. The CEO of Strabag aims to raise his stake to 25% plus one share.
C-Quadrat Investment AG said its net profit collapsed to EUR 3m for 2011 from EUR 15.3m fir 2010. Operating profit fell to EUR 623,000 from EUR 9.4m. The results were burdened by the negative stock exchange performance.


Hot New Playlist - Issue Date 26.03

The old version of the playlist remains active here: The Playlist
From now on, however, I'll be posting only the new songs for the week, which initially will be in a separate playlist (Hot New Playlist) and in a week time will join the bigger one. 

This week's new proposals:

B.Traits - Fever (ft. Elisabeth Troy) - (UK)
B.o.B - So Good  
Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe
Amanda Mair - Sense (UK)
Mike Candys feat. Evelyn & Patrick Miller - 2012 (GE)
Andreas Bourani - Wunder (GE)
Neon Trees - Everybody Talks
Eli Young Band - Even If It Breaks Your Heart (US)
Young Jeezy - Leave You Alone (ft. Ne-Yo) (US)
Tim Bendzko - Ich Laufe - Piano Version (GE)      

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 23.03

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 

1. Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego (last week at #2; 8th week at #1)
2. Sean Paul - She Doesn't Mind (last week at #1)
3. Flo Rida ft. Sia - Wild Ones (last week at #4)
The new entries & other important positions :

5. Train - Drive By (up from #13)
10. The Bosshoss - Don't Gimme That (up from #16)
20. Unheilig - So wie du warst (up from #30)
22. LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking (up from #50)
23. Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up (neu) *
53. Tim Bendzko - Ich laufe (neu)
57. Swedish House Mafia - Greyhound (neu) *
59. Michelle - Grosse Liebe (neu) *
66. AWOLNATION - Sail (neu) *
72. Dame - Pave Low (neu) **
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

събота, 24 март 2012 г.

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 23.03

Michel Teló clocks up two months on the top of the singles chart in Germany with "Ai se eu te pego!". He is once again followed by Olly Murs' "Heart skips a beat", while Sean Paul's "She Doesn't Mind" goes up one to #3. 
Video - Olly Murs

After last week's debut at #5, Aura Dione's "Friends" rises one slot and occupies #4 this time around. 
German band Deichkind finally has its top ten single in Germany. Curiously though it's not "official" single "Bück dich hoch" (this week at #12) but follow-up "Leider geil (Leider geil)", which judging from the look of the video was never considered to be so massive. 
At #16 Stefanie Heinzmann's "Diggin' In The Dirt" continues its upward movement as it climbs from #20. 
The highest new entry of the week can be found at #40. "Songs für Liam" is the second single of German band Kraftclub, following "Ich will nicht nach Berlin", which peaked at #45. 

Mike Candys & Jack Holiday bring the second highest new entry at #44. Mike Candys is better known for his "One Night in Ibiza", which was a strong dancehall hit some months ago, reaching #11. "Insomnia" is of course based on Faithless' classic from 1995 (peak #2). Actually the Mike Candys' version originates from 2009.

The third new entry belongs to Tim Bendzko, who after two top ten singles, has to content himself with #47 for "Ich laufe". 
"Dedication To My Ex (Miss That)" may have been huge in other countries, but the song of Lloyd enters in Germany at the rather low #52. 

In the bottom reaches of the countdown we have new entries also by veterans DJ Bobo, whose "La vida es" comes in at #81, and Lenny Kravitz with "Rock Star City Life" at #98.  

The Album Chart

In a surprising change, local schlager band Santiano moves up from #6 to claim the #1 with its debut LP "Bis ans Ende der Welt". Xavier Naidoo's best is at #2, while German band Mia. brings "Tacheles" new at #3. Also new inside the top ten is Fler & Silla's "Südberlin Maskulin II" at #6.

петък, 23 март 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 23 March 2012

Игрите на глада / Hunger Games - Hunger Games comes on a wave of too many Twilight comparisons, which I'm not sure will do the movie any good as it's not only strongly superior than the vampire romance but it's entirely a player in its own league. First the story - it may bear comparisons to some previous narratives but feels fresh, coherent, topical and resonates strongly with the viewer. And yes, it comes with an alert message for the modern consumer world. Furthermore, unlike Twilight, the script (and actually the novel) are merciless, ruthless and though I didn't expect until the movie started - there'll be blood (for the record I haven't read the novel). However, as many post-Potter adaptations showed, it doesn't suffice to have a good story to have a great movie. So all the credit should go to director Gary Ross and the producers, who, despite toning down the blood moments, do not spare the viewer for a moment. The direction is steady, imaginative, the camera work is fantastic, the editing is so hectic that it translates you right within the action. In addition, the soundtrack is superb, while even the used colour palette drives the story forward. Furthermore although it's not a film of a big Hollywood studio, Hunger Games do have a real scale. As for the protagonists - the entire cast is spot-on, starting from Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson to the "grown-ups", who include Lenny Kravitz and Woody Harrelson. Oh, it feels good to have a new franchise, which actually can turn great at the end. (Forum Film) *****

Огледалце, огледалце / Mirror Mirror - Only four months after Immortals, director Tarsem Singh brings to the world yet another title. Mirror Mirror has the privilege to be the first Snow White movie of the year, but will probably be the worse one. It's not that it is a complete disaster, not at all. The story suits well to the visual style of the director (the castle, the world of the mirror are really magical), while Julia Roberts is perfectly cast as the wicked stepmother (look at her beautification scene). The problems lie in the lightness of the tone, the too broad and uninventive comedy tricks and, though the style of Tarsem can be sensed everywhere, it is clear that he has restricted himself. At the end it's a movie desperately looking for quirkiness. Anyway, if you're in the mood for eye candy, you won't be disappointed. But if Tarsem continues this way, next time, he'll definitely enter the two-star zone. (Tandem) ***

Лоракс / The Lorax - Little Big Panda aside, it hasn't happen for awhile to watch an animated movie for which I don't feel any desire to sit through again. But now The Lorax has arrived. Believe me, it's not a bad movie - it has odd and lovable characters, and has a clear message, but the message is too childish, the characters too thin. Lorax himself doesn't have a lot to do, and though some scenes in the wood and the forest animals are cute, the scenes in the city are too plain. In a world where Pixar pays attention to every detail, while Dreamworks attempts to at least make you laugh, to have a mediocre effort such as Lorax is okay but not enough. Oh, did I say that there are songs, so awfully dubbed, that you'd not understand a word? (Forum Film) ***

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 16-18 March

Explaining the rules of disappointment
Nothing can stop the all mighty John Carter from claiming a second week on the top of the Bulgarians cinemas. The movie has made the excellent BGN 548,971 so far, fast heading towards the 1 million threshold. It at least will come at profit in Bulgaria despite the USD 200m heavy loss it will incur on Disney's financial results.

The Foreigner, the latest Bulgarian title that debuts this month, scores BGN 53,839 for the weekend, which puts in par with Rapid Reaction Corps, which also had a similar start. As for the time being there are no major Bulgarian movies scheduled to be released until May, expect these two to have a well-paved path in front of them.

Proving for yet another time that when a movie is good, it suffers in Bulgaria, 21 Jump Street, the second proposal of the week comes in at BGN 31,791. It's more or less a disappointing figure having in mind that Bulgarians traditionally like such types of movies and the film was released simultaneously with its US premiere. Still many preferred to watch the inferior John Carter rather to go and see a movie embraced by a majority of the (foreign) critics.

The top ten in full:

Change w/w
Result for the weekend (in BGN)
Total result
(in BGN)
John Carter
131,480 548,971
The Foreigner
21 Jump Street
Rapid Reaction Corps
Beauty And The Beast
This Means War
Journey 2
The Descendants
Safe House

This week the top ten is left by The Artist. The Oscar-winner managed to raise the respectable BGN 54,009 so far. And it is all to be attributed to its big win at the Academy Winners as no one here would have cared to watch it if it wasn't for the Oscar. Ghost Rider 2 is also out and with its BGN 133,082 can be seen as a flop, first because Nic Cage is in principle a star here and second Bulgarians do like such shitty movies. The fact that it wasn't released in 3D however hurt considerably its chances for success. 

Compared to my projections The Foreigner came somewhat higher than my BGN 46,000 forecast, while 21 Jump Street was below my BGN 48,000 expectation.

Next weekend predictions:

Hunger Games (it's excellent) - BGN 75,000
The Lorax (it's mediocre) - BGN 48,000
Mirror Mirror (it's standard Tarsem) - BGN 52,000, including previews

(BGN 1 = USD 0.68/EUR 0.51)

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 16.03

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 
1. Sean Paul - She Doesn't Mind (last week at #3)
2.  Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego (last week at #1)
3. Aura Dione ft. Rock Mafia - Friends (up from #13)
The new entries & other important positions :
8. Deichkind - Leider geil (up from #17)
13. Train - Drive by (up from #30)
15. Birdy - Skinny Love (up from #25)
20. Die Aerzte - ZeiDverschwÄndung (neu)
44. Far East Movement feat. Justin Bieber - Live My Life (neu) *
51. Carly Rae Jepsen - Call Me Maybe (neu) *
62. Lenny Kravits - Rock Star City Life (neu) *

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

понеделник, 19 март 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 16 March 2012

Внедрени в час / 21 Jump Street - To dismiss 21 Jump Street as the casual Hollywood comedy/high-school cash-in is quite easy but would be a huge mistake. Surprisingly the film is aware of the genre cliches and plays with them during its entire runtime (even self-referring to the fact that it is based on a popular series from the 1980s). The leads played by Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are strong and likeable but its the script which carries the movie forward and makes it a must-see. The plot is inventive, full of great quotable lines and even greater scenes. As current Bulgarian film distribution either deprives us of non-major studio movies or puts them in the smallest arthouse cinema, it's always good to see a big Hollywood movie delivering with a punch. Prepare to laugh your ass out. (Alexandra) **** 1/2

Чужденецът / The Foreigner (Bulgaria) - (A Plus Cinema)

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Just Fine
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 16.03

Lucky number seven for Michel Telo as his "Ai se eu te pego!" continues to sell massively and enters a third month on the top of Germany. Michel once again deprives the crown from Olly Murs, whose "Heart skips a beat" goes up one to #2. 
Video - Olly Murs
Boosted by large physical sales, the newest single of legendary German group Die Ärzte comes in at #3. "ZeiDverschwÄndung" is the guy's tenth top ten single and their highest charting one bar the three songs which reached #1 through the years. The band has been absent from the chart since "Himmelblauperfektbreit" peaked at #26 in 2008.

Following the somewhat surprising #1 "Geronimo", Belgian singer Aura Dione proves that she is really liked in Germany as follow-up "Friends" enters at #5. Its Dione's third out of total five singles to enter the top ten in the country. 

Inside the top 20 there is a double bill from Deichkind at #12 and #13 with "Bück dich hoch" (last week #12) and "Leider geil (Leider geil)" (last week at #17). Stefanie Heinzmann, who last week entered at the underwhelming #28, this time manages to shoot "Diggin' in the Dirt" at #20. The song thus becomes her fourth single to crack the top 20.
Live - Stefanie 

The third highest new entry belongs to Swedish casting star Tove Styrke. Her debut for Germany "Call My Name" can be found at #48.

The Nordic countries are also presented with the last new entry of the week at #82. "The Crow, The Owl And The Dove" is the eleventh single of Nightwish in Germany and unfortunately for now one of their lowest charting.

The Album Chart

Finally, there is some fresh movement on top of the LP chart with expectedly Bruce Springsteen and Katie Melua newest proposals taking the first two positions, leaving former #1 Xavier Naidoo at #3. Also new to the top ten are the albums of Kay One "Prince Of Belvedair" at #4 and of Ivy Quainoo "Ivy" at #5. Also new at #9 is MoTrip's "Embryo" and at #10 Caligola's "Back To Earth".

четвъртък, 15 март 2012 г.

The Playlist - Issue Date 12.03 (19)

The Hits

Ed Sheeran - Drunk (6w)  
David Guetta - Turn Me On ft. Nicki Minaj (5w)  
Adam Lambert - Better Than I Know Myself  (4w)
Madonna - Give Me All Your Luvin' (4w)
Jason Derulo - Breathing (4w)
Coldplay - Charlie Brown (4w)
Lil Wayne - Mirror ft. Bruno Mars (4w)
Jay-Z & Kanye West - Niggas In Paris (4w)
Flo Rida - Wild Ones ft. Sia (4w)
Olly Murs - Oh My Goodness (2w)
Chris Brown - Turn Up The Music (2w)
SKRILLEX - Bangarang (2w)
Fun - We Are Young (8w)
Drake - The Motto (feat. Lil Wayne) (6w)
Train - Drive By (3w)  
Plan B - ill Manors (NEW)
Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars - Safe & Sound (NEW)
Usher - Climax (NEW)
The other hits

Mike Posner - Looks Like Sex (7w)
Snow Patrol - In The End (7w) 
Cobra Starship - Middle Finger (6w)
Cher Lloyd - Want U Back ft. Astro (5w)
Utah Saints vs Drumsound & Bassline Smith - What Can You Do For Me (4w)
Bruce Springsteen - We Take Care Of Our Own (4w)
Caligola - Forgive Forget (4w)
Tove Styrke - Call My Name (4w)
The Cranberries - Tomorrow (4w)
Michael Kiwanuka - I'm Getting Ready (3w)
Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine? (2w)
Robin Thicke - Love After War (2w)
Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up (2w)
Florence + The Machine - Never Let Me Go (NEW)
The Shins - Simple Song (NEW)  
Laurent Wery Feat. Swiftkid - Hey Hey Hey (NEW)
Maria Mena - Viktoria (NEW)
Bob Sinclar Feat. Pitbull, Dragonfly & Fatman Scoop - Rock The Boat (NEW)   
The UK charts

DJ Fresh ft. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now (7w)
Emeli Sandé - Next To Me (6w)
Dappy - Rockstar ft. Brian May (5w)
Niki & The Dove - DJ, Ease My Mind (4w)
Stooshe - Love Me feat. Travie McCoy (4w)
Tinchy Stryder - Bright Lights ft. Pixie Lott (4w)
Feeder - Borders (4w)
Jess Mills - Pixelated People (3w)
Miike Snow - Paddling Out (3w)
The Maccabees - Feel To Follow (3w)
Marcus Collins - Seven Nation Army (3w)
Avalanche City - Love Love Love (3w)
Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Dream On (3w)
Phantom Limb - Gravy Train (3w)
Will Young - Losing Myself  (3w)
JLS - Proud (3w)
Clement Marfo & The Frontline - Mayhem (2w)
Rusko - Somebody To Love (2w)
The All-American Rejects - Beekeeper's Daughter (2w)
Jamie Hartman - Girlwise (NEW)
Paul Weller - That Dangerous Age (NEW) 
Labrinth - Last Time (NEW)
Deaf Havana - Leeches (NEW)
Lostprophets - Bring 'Em Down (NEW)
Rizzle Kicks - Traveller's Chant (NEW)
The German charts

Rea Garvey - Colour Me In (6w)
Deichkind - Bück dich hoch (4w)
Rosenstolz - Lied von den Vergessenen (4w)
Silbermond - Himmel auf (4w)
Tim Bendzko - Ich laufe (4w)
Unheilig - So wie Du warst (3w)
Elix - Musik ist meine Therapie (3w)
Jack Holiday & Mike Candys - Children (3w)
Trackshittaz - Woki mit deim Popo (2w)
Roman Lob - Standing Still (2w)
Kay One feat. Mario Winans - I Need A Girl Part 3 (2w)
Aura Dione -- Friends (2w)
Die ärzte - ZeiDverschwÄndung (2w)
Kim Gloss feat. Rocco Stark - Is it Love (2w)
JUPITER JONES - Nordpol/Südpol (2w)
Udo Lindenberg - Reeperbahn 2011 (2w)
Groove Coverage feat. Rameez - Think about the way (NEW)
Bingo Players - Rattle (NEW) 
SCOTTY - Children (NEW)
Glasperlenspiel - Ich bin ich (NEW)
Der König tanzt - Alles dreht sich (NEW)
Eisbrecher - Die Hölle Muss Warten (NEW)    
The US charts

Melanie Fiona - 4AM (4w)
Meek Mill Feat. Rick Ross - Ima Boss (3w)
Kip Moore - Somethin' 'Bout A Truck (3w)
Kirko Bangz - Drank In My Cup (3w)
Young the Giant - Cough Syrup (2w)
Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) (7w)
Natalia Kills - Kill My Boyfriend (6w)
One Direction - One Thing (6w)  
Anna Calvi - Blackout (5w)
Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Pictures (5w)         
Ben Howard - The Wolves (4w)
Skrillex Feat. Members of The Doors- Breakin' A Sweat (5w) 
Maverick Sabre - No One (4w)
Matt Cardle - Amazing (3w)
NERVO - We're All No One (4w) 
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Look Around (4w)
Darren Hayes - Bloodstained Heart (3w)
Kettcar - Im Club (3w)
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - Heart Attack (3w)
James Morrison - Slave To The Music (3w)
Chris Brown feat. Kevin McCall - Strip (3w) 
ENTER SHIKARI - Arguing With Thermometers (3w)
Foo Fighters - These Days (3w)
YA-HA! - F.C.C. (Fake Coco Chanel) (5w)