понеделник, 30 януари 2012 г.

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 27.01

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 

1. Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego (up from #2)
2. Gotye ft. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know (last week at #1)
3. Lana Del Rey - Video Games (last week at #3)
The new entries & other important positions 
6. DJ Antoine - Ma Cheri (up from #16)
10. Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts (up from #36) 
15. Tim Bendzko - Wenn Worte meine Sprache wären (up from #27)
24. James Morrison ft. Jessie J - Up (neu)
25. Skrillex ft. Sirah - Bangarang (neu) *
28. Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa - Young, Wild & Free (neu) *
30. Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Antidote (neu)
42. Mike Posner - Looks Like Sex (neu) *
44. Pitbull ft. Chris Brown - International Love (re) *
49. T-Pain ft. Ne-Yo - Turn All The Lights On (neu) *
60. Eisblume - Fuer Immer (neu) *
69. Dark Circle Knights - Lost Daughter (neu) *
71. Katja Friedenberg - Flugzeuge im Bauch (neu) 
74. The Bosshoss - Don't Gimme That (neu)

* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

Austrian Economic News - Week 23-29 Jan - Deutsche Version


Die Zahl der Übernachtungen in Wien stieg um 5% auf ein neues Rekordhoch von 11.4 in 2011. Die Umsätze werden mit einem Aufstieg von 9.2% gesehen. Die höchste Zunahme war von Gästen aus Russland und Asien registriert.
Die Erste Group sagte, dass sie die dritte Bankanleihe, die mit Garantien vom Staat begeben ist, zu tilgen entschied. Die dreijährige Anleihe hat ein Volumen von EUR 1.5bn.
Die österreichische Öl- und Gasgruppe OMV will den Schiefergas Vorrat im nördlichen Weinviertel, Niederösterreich, ab 2020 fördern. Die Förderung würde nur mit umweltfreundlichen Methoden, und ohne die Nutzung von gefährlichen Chemikalien, realisiert sein. 


Die Vienna Insurance Group teilte am Dienstag mit, dass die Firma eine Erhöhung ihre Dividende für 2011 plant und damit eine Dividendenrendite von 3.6% zu bezahlen. Die Prämieneinnahme des Unternehmens stieg um 4.9% auf EUR 5.1m im letzten Jahr. 
Der Leiterplattenhersteller AT&S sagte, dass sein Umsatz um 1.9% auf EUR 371.8m für die erste drei Quartalen des Fiskaljahres 2011/12 zugenommen hat. Der Nettogewinn sank allerdings um 26.1% auf EUR 21.9m. Die Firma rechnet mit einen jährlichen Umsatz von zirka EUR 500m.
Der ägyptische Telekominvestor Naguib Sawiris sagte, dass er keinen Anteil von über 25% an der Telekom Austria plant. Der Investor kontrolliert etwa 20% in der Telekom zusammen mit Ronny Pecik.
Die Update Software AG meldete, dass sein Umsatz um 14.8% auf EUR 31.7m im Vorjahr zugenommen hat. Die Firma gelang ein EBIT von EUR 0.1m gegenüber einem EBIT Verlust von EUR 2.7m zu registrieren. Die Update fügte hinzu, dass sie sich mit ihren CRM Software Lösungen für die Zukunft gut positioniert ist.
Die Telekom Austria teilte am Dienstag mit, dass die Firma einen signifikanten geringeren Nettogewinn für 2011 wegen Abschreibungen bei ihrer weißrussischen Tochter Velcom prognostiziert. Allerdings bestätigte das Unternehmen seine Erwartungen für den Umsatz, das EBIT und das freie Cash Flow. Die Pläne für eine Dividende von EUR 0.38 für jeweils 2011 und 2012 waren auch erhalten.

Veronika Sutedja, eine Analystin der Erste Group, sagte am Mittwoch, dass sie mit einem Nettoverlust von EUR 200m für die Telekom Austria in 2011 rechnet. Das negative Ergebnis ist von Abschreibungen und Restrukturierungskosten verursacht.
Die Raiffeisen Zentralbank Gruppe plant eine Kernkapitalquote von 9.4% am Ende Juni zu haben, die höher als die verlangte von der europäischen Aufsicht 9% Schwelle ist. Am Ende der dritte Quartal 2011 hat RZB eine Kapitallücke von EUR 2.1bn, die das Ziel der EBA zu erreichen behindert.
Nach der Kreditratingherabstufung von Österreich hat die Standard & Poor's (S&P) die Ratings von Tirol, Oberösterreich und Wien auf AA+ von AAA reduziert. Den Ausblick von Burgenland, Niederösterreich und Steiermark, die bisher ein AA+ Rating hatten, war auf negativ herabgestuft. 


Der österreichische Pharmazeutikahersteller Sanochemia sagte am Donnerstag, dass sein Umsatz um 26% auf EUR 34.1m im Fiskaljahr 2010/11 gestiegen ist. Die Firma veröffentlichte ein EBIT von EUR 1.8m und einen Konzernergebnis von EUR 0.9m. Die Sanochemia plant mehr Investitionen im Vertrieb und Produktentwicklung in 2012.
Die Österreichische Bundesbann (ÖBB) wählte die Do & Co als der Versorger ihre Cateringsangebot ab 1 April aus.
Die Raiffeisen Bank International rechnet mit einer Belastung von EUR 60m in Ungarn wegen der Pläne der Regierung zu Reduzierung der Fremdwährungskrediten im Staat, sagte Vorstandschef Herbert Stepic der WirtschaftsBlatt. Stepic betonte allerdings, dass die Bank Provisionen gemacht hat.
Die Teak Holz International meldete einen Nettogewinn von EUR 0.4m für Geschäftsjahr 2010/11 gegenüber EUR 3.7m im Vorjahr. Die Nettoerlöse stiegen auf EUR 1.2m von EUR 0.7m.
Zirka 750 Piloten und Bordpersonal der Austrian Airlines (AUA) protestierten am Donnerstagmorgen gegen die Kostsparungsmaßnahmen von der Firma. Die Mitarbeiter haben Angst vor weiteren Entlassungen trotz der Absagen des Vorstands.
Die russische Sberbank hat eine offizielle Meldung gemacht, dass sie EUR 500m für die osteuropäische Tochter der OeVAG bezahlt hat. Anfänglich haben die Partners auf zumindest EUR 585m vereinbart.  


Der österreichische Versorger EVN teilte am Freitag mit, dass er einen Windpark in Pöttelsdorf, in Burgenland, von AAG Holding gekauft hat. Der Windpark hat eine Kapazität von 9.2 MW.
Die Stahlgruppe voestalpine meldete, dass sie einen Rekordhochauftrag von EUR 700m für ihre Automotive Geschaeft erhalten hat. Nach dem Auftrag will die Firma EUR 100m in der Produktionszunahme in China und den USA investieren.

Austrian Economic News - Week 23-29 Jan


The number of overnight stays in Vienna rose 5% in annual terms to the record-high 11.4m for 2011. Revenue from overnight stays is seen up 9.2%. The strongest growth was registered by visitors from Russia and Asia.
Erste Group has redeemed the third bank bond issued with guarantees from the Austrian state on Monday. The three-year bond has a volume of EUR 1.5bn. 
Oil and gas group OMV wants to process the shale gas reserves in northern Weinvierte, in Lower Austria, from 2020. The gas extraction will only be carried out in ecologically-friendly way, without the use of dangerous chemicals.


Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) said it plans to propose a rise of its dividend for 2011 to correspond to a dividend yield of 3.6%. The company's premium income grew 4.9% to EUR 5.1bn last year.
Circuit board producer AT&S said its sales went up 1.9% to EUR 371.8m for the first nine months of fiscal 2011/12. The net profit, however, decreased by 26.1% to EUR 21.9m. The company projects annual sales of about EUR 500m. 
Egyptian telecommunications investor Naguib Sawiris said he will not seek a shareholding in Telekom Austria higher than 25%. Sawiris, together with Austrian investor Ronny Pecik, currently controls 20% in Telekom.
Update Software AG said its sales for 2011 went up 14.8% on the year to EUR 31.7m. The company managed to post EBIT of EUR 0.1m, compared to an EBIT loss of 2.7m. Update added it considers itself good positoned with its CRM software solutions.
Telekom Austria said it expects a considerably lower net profit for 2011 due to write-downs of EUR 300m on its Belarus subsidiary Velcom. However, the company confirmed its previous sales, EBITDA and free cash flow expectations, as well as its plans for a dividend of EUR 0.38 for 2011 and 2012.


Veronika Sutedja, an analyst at Erste Group, said she expects a net loss of EUR 200m for Telekom Austria for 2011 due to wtite-offs and restructuring costs.
Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB) said it plans to have a core capital ratio of 9.4% at the end of the second quarter, which will be higher than the 9% threshold demanded from the European Banking Authority. At the end of the third quarter of 2011, RZB had a capital gap of EUR 2.1bn, which was needed for reaching of the target.
Following the credit downgrade on Austria, Standard & Poor's (S&P) said it had decided to reduce the ratings on the provinces of Tyrol, Upper Austria and Vienna to AA+ from AAA. The outlook for Burgenland, Lower Austria and Styria, which already have a AA+ rating, was lowered to "negative". 


Austrian pharmaceuticals company Sanochemia said Thursday its sales rose 26% to EUR 34.1m for fiscal 2010/11. The company posted EBIT of EUR 1.8m and a net profit of EUR 0.9m. Sanochemia plans to invest further in sales and product development in 2012.
Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) has chosen Do & Co as provider of its catering services as of April 1, 2012.
Raiffeisen Bank International expects a burden of EUR 60m in Hungary due to the government plans to reduce foreign-currency loans in the country. RBI's CEO Herbert Stepic told WirtschaftsBlatt. The CEO, however, pointed out that the bank has made provisions.
Teak Holz International reported a net profit of EUR 0.4m for fiscal 2010/11, down from EUR 3.7m for 2009/10. Net sales stood at EUR 1.2m, up from EUR 0.7m.
Some 750 pilots and cabin crew members of Austrian Airlines (AUA) protested in Thursday morning against the planned savings measures of the company. The employees fear of further job cuts at AUA despite that the management has rejected such.
Russian Sberbank officially announced that it had paid EUR 500m for the eastern European unit of OeVAG. Initially the sides had agreed to a price of at least EUR 585m.


Regional utility EVN has acquired a wind park in Pöttelsdorf, in Burgenland, from AAG Holding. The park has a capacity of 9.2 MW.
Steel group voestalpine said it had received a record-high order of EUR 700m for its automotive division. The name of the contractor was not revealed. Following the order the company will invest EUR 100m in capacity growth in China and USA. 

неделя, 29 януари 2012 г.

German Chart Comments - Issue Date 27.01

As Michel Telo fails to claim the top spot this week by sticking at #2, Gotye's "Somebody That I Used To Know" makes a fifth week there. The top three is once again completed by Lana Del Rey's former #1 "Video Games".

Not much going on inside the top ten apart from the new #5 peak of Christina Perry's "Jar Of Hearts", while further down DJ Antoine finally has a second top 20 single as his "Ma Cheri" moves up to #17 from #21. 

The highest new entry belongs to (the surprisingly popular in Germany) James Morrison whose duet with Jessie J "Up" debuts at #19. James' previous single "I Won't Let You Go" peaked at #11, staying for several weeks in the top 20. At the same time Jessie J's "Domino", the current #1 in the UK, soars to #22 from #42 to enter the top 30 again. 
Video - Up

Kelly Rowland's "Down for Whatever" is also flying high (as Captain Hollywood Project put in the 90s) and skyrockets to #31 from #77.

The Voice of Germany is this week to be blamed for the second highest new entry by Katja Friedenberg at #41. "Flugzeuge Im Bauch", originally performed by Herbert Groenemeyer, was made famous by Oli P and his #1 version from 1998.

The Disco Boys are also back at #45 with their take on "Around The World". The song was #1 in the early 2000s, written by Alex C and performed by the long forgotten ATC. 

The remaining new entries with videos and some info:
#51 Justin Nozuka - After Tonight - Albeit originating from 2007, this is the first entry of the song in the countdown.
#63 Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Antidote - "Save The World" has been the most successful single of Swedish House Mafia in Germany so far with a peak at #36.
#76 Mic Donet - Killer/Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Voice of Germany performance
#85 Timati Feat. P. Diddy & Dj Antoine - I'm On You - Timati gained popularity with his involvement in "Welcome to St. Tropez", the dance anthem of DJ Antoine from last summer.

The Album Chart

The top two in the album chart is once again unchanged with Adele and Udo Lindenberg continuing their monstrous sales for yet another week. The highest new entry comes in at #3 with "Gruener Samt", the third album of Marsimoto - a side project of German rapper Marteria.

петък, 27 януари 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 27 January 2012

Мокри поръчки / Haywire - Steven Soderbergh is definitely among the most curious contemporary directors out there and his latest work is definitely worth taking a look. Though infested with A-star glamour, Haywire is a revenge movie relying on its protagonist - martial arts fighter Gina Carano, and she succeeds in making her role interesting. Eventually, however, the whole film is let down by its direction. All that is happening on the screen is attractive but feels sterile and cold, and never really engages the viewer. The plot is also too complicated and if you blink you'll miss a clue or two. In addition, among the big cast members, it's only Michael Fassbender whose part is really memorable but he is on screen for far too short. At the end, Haywire is more watchable than, let's say, Full Frontal but still feels as a genre exercise by its director. *** (Tandem) 

Двойник на дявола / Devil's Double - There has been much controversy lately for some eye-popping omissions in the actor categories at the Oscars 2012 but not many people have pointed out one more - Dominic Cooper. Yes, the one who sang "Lay All Your Love on Me" in Mama Mia! has given his best performance three years later in Devil's Double, managing to play with ease the son of Saddam, Uday Hussein, and his unwilling double Latif. He succeeds so perfectly that five minutes in and you'll forget that one and the same man plays the two characters. Of course, no one in the Academy would have noticed a young actor in a commercial movie but still it's a performance to be remembered. Elsewhere, the film, albeit "suffering" from tiny budget manages to be intriguing and grips you from the very let-go. The Lee Tamahory direction is steady and though perhaps too-Hollywood at places the description of a true monster will haunt you even after the end.  **** (Forum Film)

Малката голяма панда / Little Big Panda - It's a rare thing to see a traditionally animated movie, albeit in 3D, getting a wide distribution in Bulgaria but this German-Chinese flick will enjoy such a fate. However, though Little Big Panda will be loved by the littlest ones, in comparison to the Dreamworks, Pixar and Disney stuff, it offers nothing for their older relatives. The story borders with pure simplicity, the characters are more or less one dimensional, while the patronising and moralising side of the script is a little over the top. And lines such as "humans now help pandas" when they are threatened by a (possibly global warming caused) flood are stupid at least. Children between two and five will not care though. The others should wait for Kung Fu Panda 3 instead. (Tandem) **

Previews this week:

One For The Money
Man on a Ledge

The ratings:

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine (just give it a try)
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away

сряда, 25 януари 2012 г.

Bulgarian Box Office Update - Weekend 20-22 Jan

Nothing's gonna stop her now
So it needed vampires and werewolves for the cat to be kicked off from the number one slot in Bulgaria. Thus, Underwold 4 comes first with a result of BGN 109,048, which is higher than the final tallies of instalments 1 and 2, while the USD 164,969 final box office of part three is definitely within reach. 

At the runner-up spot, The Muppets surprises with its somewhat potent box office result of BGN 54,788. Back-to-back comparisons with the Pixar or Dreamworks titans are worthless, but as a whole, having in mind the attitude of Bulgarians towards such "children" stuff, it's a relatively okay result.

Thus, after four weeks on the top, Puss In Boots slips 45% and has earned the massive BGN 1,165,953 during its theatrical run so far.

Sherlock Holmes 2 is at #4, with a decline of 46% and the amazing BGN 863,124, while Contraband comes next with a fall of just 34% and BGN 102,798 in total.

At #6 Mission Impossible 4 continues to impress, sliding 48% and with BGN 859,182 on its account. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is next, with the disappointing total figure of BGN 190,508, a decrease of 46%.

The Darkest Hour feels most the arrival of Underworld and the taking of its 3D screens and collapses with 55% to #8. It has BGN 187,994 so far.

Happy Feet 2 and Moneyball round up the top ten. The penguin shenanigans have BGN 257,721 in total, down this week 47%, while the Brad Pitt's flick cements its flop status in Bulgaria, with BGN 31,794 so far, a fall of 53%.

The other new proposal of the week, the Bulgarian disaster called Tzahes, fails to even enter the top ten and can be found at #12 with the pity BGN 3,683. 

This week the top ten is left by Bulgarian behemoth Operaciq Shmenti Kapeli, which has collected BGN 1,177,018. The movie directed and distributed by Vladi Vyrgala (a famous Bulgarian comedian) surprised many and showed that you may deliver a big hit on your own and just by a strong word of mouth. Thus, the movie easily becomes one of the most successful Bulgarian movies in the post-communism history of the country. 50:50 is also out and its BGN 42,831 box office unfortunately shows that independent titles strive to find an audience in Bulgaria. It's not completely out of the blue then when the distributors cancel even already bought films from cinema distribution on these shores. 

Compared to my last week projections, Underworld topped my BGN 65,000 expectation, The Muppets met my target of BGN 50,000, while Tzahes was below my BGN 7,000 forecast. 

Next weekend's projections:

Haywire - 68,000, including previews
Devil's Double - 30,000, including previews
Little Big Panda - 20,000

(BGN 1 = USD 0.65/EUR 0.51) 

вторник, 24 януари 2012 г.

The Playlist - Issue Date 23.01 (14)

The Hits

Foster The People - Call It What You Want (12w)
Katy Perry - The One That Got Away (11w)
Lady Gaga - Marry The Night (8w)
Avicii - Levels (8w)
Jason DeRulo - Fight for You (8w)
Will.I.Am - T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) (6w)
Pitbull ft. Chris Brown - International Love (6w)
David Guetta ft. Sia - Titanium (5w) 
Rihanna - You Da One (5w) 
Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party - Antidote (4w)
Jessie J - Domino (8w)
Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) (3w)
Sean Paul - She Doesn't Mind (3w) 
Gotye - Someone That I Used To Know (9w)
Michel Telo - Ai Se Eu Te Pego (7w)
Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (6w) 
Skrillex Feat. Members of The Doors- Breakin' A Sweat (NEW)
Ed Sheeran - Drunk (NEW)  
Gym Class Heroes - Ass Back Home (5w) 
The other hits

Patrick Wolf - Together (8w)
Arctic Monkeys - Black Treacle (3w) 
Michael Kiwanuka - Tell Me A Tale (2w)  
Natalia Kills - Kill My Boyfriend (2w)
Mike Posner - Looks Like Sex (2w)
Scissor Sisters vs Krystal Pepsy - Shady Love (2w)
Chiddy Bang - Ray Charles (2w)   
Snow Patrol - In The End (2w) 
Van Halen - Tattoo (NEW) 
Cobra Starship - Middle Finger (NEW)
The UK charts

Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight (9w)
Rizzle Kicks - Mama Do The Hump (8w)
Noah And The Whale - Give It All Back (6w)    
Alyssa Reid - Alone Again (3w)
All Time Low - Time-Bomb (3w)
Doctor P - Neon (Ft. Jenna G) (3w)
Professor Green - Never Be a Right Time (3w)
Pulled Apart By Horses - V.E.N.O.M (3w)
Redlight - Get Out My Head (3w)
Yasmin ft Shy FX & Ms Dynamite - 'Light Up (3w)
M83 - Midnight City (3w)
Sub Focus - Falling Down (3w)
Youngman - Who Knows (3w) 
The Brilliant Things - Dance (3w)
Mamas Gun Feat. Beverley Knight - Only One (3w)
Alesha Dixon - Do It Our Way (Play) (2w)
DJ Fresh ft. Rita Ora - Hot Right Now (2w)
Band Of Skulls - Bruises (2w)
Friends - Friend Crush (2w)  
One Direction - One Thing (2w)  
Emeli Sandé - Next To Me (NEW)
Juan Zelada - What do I know (NEW)
Nerina Pallot - All Bets Are Off (NEW)
Jo Birchall - Don't Let It Go To Your Heart (NEW)
Anna Calvi - Blackout (NEW)
Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Pictures (NEW)          
Jess Mills - Pixelated People (NEW)
The German charts

Frida Gold - Gold (9w)
DJ Antoine - Ma Cherie (8w)
Casper - Auf und davon (7w)   
Mike Candys & Evelyn ft. David Deen - Around The World (6w)
Scooter feat. Vicky Leandros - C'est Bleu (6w)
The BossHoss - Don't Gimme That (7w)    
Culcha Candela - Wildes Ding (4w)
Eisblume - Fuer immer (4w)
Queensberry - Chipwrecked (4w)
The Disco Boys - Around The World (3w)
Picco - Mi Café (3w) 
Aura Dione - Geronimo (8w)
YA-HA! - F.C.C. (Fake Coco Chanel) (NEW)
P:lot - Zuhören (NEW)  
Sebastian Wurth - You let the Sun go down (NEW)
Rea Garvey - Colour Me In (NEW)
The US charts

Mac Miller - Knock Knock (4w)
Nelly - The Champ (3w) 
Fun - We Are Young (3w)
Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up (Official Lyric Video) (2w)
Wale - Lotus Flower Bomb (2w)
Montgomery Gentry - Where I Come From (2w) 
Tyga - Rack City (NEW)  
Chris Young - You (NEW) 
MGK - Wild Boy (NEW)
Drake - The Motto (feat. Lil Wayne) (NEW)
JLS - Do You Feel What I Feel? (6w)  
Various Cruelties - Great Unknown (5w)
Nero - Reaching Out (5w)
The Maccabees - Pelican (5w)
DJ Sammy - Look For Love (4w)
Tom Novy - Thelma & Louise (4w)
Dick Brave & The Backbeats - Just The Way You Are (5w)
Tomcraft - Tell Mummy (4w)
Taylor Swift - Ours (5w) 
Basto - Again and Again (5w)
Little Mix - Cannonball (4w)  
Basslovers United - Basket Case (5w)
Ren Harvieu - Through The Night (2w)
Jaques Raupé - 3 Haselnüsse (5w)
Heather Nova - Higher Ground (4w)    
David Pfeffer - I'm Here (5w)  
RJ Feat PITBULL - U Know It Ain't Love (5w)

понеделник, 23 януари 2012 г.

Austrian Economic News - Week 16-22 Jan - Deutsche Version


Die österreichische Teuerungsrate sank auf 3.2% in Dezember von 3.6% in November wegen der so genannten Basiseffekte, die mit den Preisen von Mineralölprodukten und Nahrungsmitteln verbunden sind. Der Preisanstieg lag auf 3.3% für das ganze Jahr, teilte Statistik Austria am Montag mit. Der harmonisierte euro-zone VPI stand auf 3.6% in 2011.
Der österreichische Maschinenbauer Binder+Co hat eine Tochter für Vermarktung von seiner  Bublon Technologie gegründet, meldete die Firma. Binder+Co prognostiziert enormes Marktpotenzial in Europa, den USA, Japan und danach in China.
Die Telekom Austria könnte an der Vivacom, die zweitgrößte Telekom in Bulgarien, interessiert sein, schrieb Die Presse am Montag. Telekom Austria ist aktiv in Bulgarien durch Marktführer Mtel.
Die Telekom Austria teilte mit, dass österreichische Investor Ronny Pecik 20.118% von den Anteilen der Firma kontrolliert. Er besitzt direkt und indirekt 15.018% der Anteile und hat Optionen für den Kauf von weiteren 5.1% bis Juni 18.


Das Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment (SBO) sagte am Dienstag, dass sein EBIT auf EUR 89m in 2011 von EUR 49.4m in 2010 gestiegen ist. Der Umsatz erhöhte sich um 32% auf EUR 407m. Die positive Entwicklung kann auf die Marktpositionen der Firma und die gute Konditionen des Sektors zurückzuführen.
Das Bauunternehmen Strabag hat einen EUR 9.3m Auftrag für die Sanierung einer Straße in Moldawien bekommen. Das ist der erste Auftrag der österreichischen Firma in der osteuropäischen Staat.
Der Immobilienentwickler CA Immo teilte mit, dass er keine neue Erwerbungen in 2012 zu machen plant. Die Firma warnt auch gegen Finanzierungsprobleme in Osteuropa, die allerdings ihre Geschäfte nur indirekt beeinflussen werden.
Die Oberbank veröffentlichte am Dienstag einen Nettogewinn von EUR 104m in 2011, einen Aufstieg von 5.5% gegenüber 2010. Die Bilanzsumme stieg um 4.5% auf EUR 17.5bn. Generaldirektor Franz Gasselsberger sagte, dass er trotz der zurückhaltenden Geschäftserwartungen optimistisch für 2012 ist.


Der österreichische Feuerfestmaterialhersteller RHI teilte mit, dass er seine Anteile in schweizerischen Stopnic auf 100% von 50% erhöht hat. Der Kaufpreise war nicht genannt.
Die österreichische Bauunternehmen Porr und Alpine Bau erfordern von dem serbischen Staat etwa EUR 70m als Schadenersatz wegen der Kündigung eines Straßenbahnbauauftrags, schrieb Vecernje novosti am Mittwoch.
Der Baumaterialspezialist Wienerberger hat eine Anleihe von EUR 200m begeben. Die Anleihe hat eine Laufzeit von 3.5 Jahren und eine Verzinsung von 5%.
Der Austriamicrosystems meldete, dass sein Umsatz um 32% auf EUR 275.7m für 2011 gestiegen ist. In 2012 erwartet die Firma eine Umsatzaufnahme von 20% gegenüber 2011.

Das Flughafen Wien meldete am Donnerstag, dass das Unternehmen eine Halbierung von den Dividenden für 2011 gegenüber dem EUR 2 für 2010 plant. Die Senkung ist auf Abschreibungen und Wertberichtigungen zurückzuführen. Die Firma begrüßte 21.1m Fluggäste in 2011, eine Zunahme von 7.2%.
Die Kreditagentur Moody's hat ihr langfristige Kreditrating auf Telekom Austria auf Baa1 von A3 wegen eines erwarteten schlechten Performance herabgestuft. Die benötige Investitionen werden auch die Firma betreffen. Das Outlook ist allerdings noch stabil.
Der österreichische Leiterplattenhersteller AT&S sagte, dass er eine strategische Vereinbarung mit US Mitbewerber MFLEX Multi-Fineline Electronix geschlossen hat. Die Partnerschaft beinhaltete die Herstellung von HDI Rigid-Flex Leiterplatten.
Ronny Pecik hat seine Call Optionen für weitere 5.1% an der Telekom Austria ausgeübt. Damit stieg der Anteil des Investors in der Firma auf 20.103%.


Der Betriebsrat der Austrian Airlines (AUA) meldete am Freitag, er gegen erhebliche Kürzungen beim Entgelt ist. Die Arbeiter der verlustmachenden Tochter der Lufthansa warnen von Drohungen von einer Insolvenz der Firma.
Die ÖVAG ist nach dem Verkauf ihrer osteuropäischen Geschäfte keine strukturell-relevante Bank für den europäischen Banksektor, sagte die österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht am Freitag. Somit darf die Bank die Kapitalforderungen der EBA nicht erfüllen.
Die Verschmelzung zwischen Brauerei Ottakringer und Mineralwasserunternehmen Vöslauer wird nun vom Gericht geprüft sein. Die Minderheitsartaktionäre haben eine Berufung gegen den Austausch von Anteilen und die Abgeltungen eingelegt.

Austrian Chart Update - Issue Date 20.01

Die Österreichische Hitparade

The top three 

1. Gotye ft. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used To Know (2nd week at #1)
2. Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego (up from #11)
3. Lana Del Rey - Video Games (last week at #3)
The new entries & other important positions 
13. Philipp Poisel - Eiserner Steg (neu)
14. Inna ft. Flo Rida - Club Rocker (neu) *
19. Will.I.Am ft. Mick Jagger and Jennifer Lopez - T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) (neu) *
21. Culcha Candela - Wildes Ding (neu)
53. Benny Fiedler - Eiserner Steg (neu)
58. Percival - Hedonism (neu) 
61. DJ Antoine - Every Breath (neu) *
66. Benham Moghaddam - The Sound Of Silence (neu) 
68. Radiohead - Creep (neu)
71. Mickie Krause - Schatzi schenk mir ein Foto (neu)
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff

петък, 20 януари 2012 г.

In Bulgarian Cinemas from 20 January 2012

Подземен свят: Пробуждане / Underworld: Awakening - Underworld is perhaps the most curious franchise of them all. It's maligned by critics and generally adored by the audience (the ratings above 6.5 in IMDB haven't come from nowhere). So it doesn't matter which team you are, Underworld is back with its fourth (or actually third) instalment. And if you've enjoyed the previous three, you'll find much to rejoice here. Probably, you will... The effects are Übercool, the style gloomy and the atmosphere reminiscent of the Resident Evil flicks. And Kate is back in leather. The major problem, however, is that the lack of any emotions (yes, I know she's a vampire) displayed by her, and, on top of that, her wooden and stifled acting are a strong proof that she doesn't seem happy to be back. Worse though, is the script decision to make all humans villains and her brutal attitude towards them kills any chance for you to root for her. In addition, all mystery and mythology elements surrounding the other instalments are gone, which drains the magic out of the movie. Still, we have Stephen Rea as the villain, but let's face it, Bill Nighy he is not. (Alexandra) **

Мъпетите / The Muppets - So, the muppets are really back and most probably will not meet the love of the cynical Bulgarian audience. It's not that the movie is not good, on the contrary, it's rather fantastic, but a feature-length movie with puppets and, oh shockingly, with many songs will be considered as completely childish. And if you hated Enchanted, you'll hate this too. However, there is a major difference between the two Amy Adams-starring flicks - The Muppets comes dubbed in Bulgarian. This is not a problem regarding the dialogue in the movie, but when it comes to the singing parts, it's just bloody awful. 

It's not only that the Bulgarian voice cast cannot sing, but a little more attention to the lyrics and the rhymes could have helped (as a colleague of mine said - it'd have been better to translate it via Google). If you ask me, if the songs were kept with subtitles - not only the film would have benefited but those voice cast would have been paid less. Cost savings are on everybody lips nowadays after all... Anyway, trying to focus on the merits of the film only - it's charming, cute, adorable and extremely funny. Kermit is okay, but Miss Piggy (and especially her scenes in Paris) is a show stealer. Many of the star cameos are also spot-on, while the fact that the actors are aware that they are in a movie also support the whole idea of non-seriousness and party. At the end, The Muppets comes with a strong pumping heart and, yes, you'd believe that these creatures are actually alive. But you should remove two stars if you watch the dub version (it's not that there is another (legal) one). (Forum Film) ****

Цахес / Tsahes (Bulgaria) - A+  

Цирк Колумбия / Cirkus Columbia (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (Limited) - Art Fest

Previews this week:

Haywire - A curious but sterile action flick by Soderbergh ***

The ratings:

***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fine (just give it a try)
** So-so (for genre aficionados only)
* Stay away


German Chart Comments - Issue Date 20.01

The holiday season is definitely behind us as we have a new German chart worth talking about. It's however still Gotye's show as his "Somebody That I Used To Know" remains on top for a fourth week.

At #2 Brazilian star Michel Teló continues his assault on the chart as his "Ai se eu te pego!" rises from #5 and just may turn into a new number one next week.

Former chart topper "Video Games" by Lana Del Rey slips this week one and rounds up the top three.

This week sees also the impact of The Voice of Germany, the new casting show for music "stars", as the performances in it were allowed to chart. They also triggered hefty interest in some of the original versions, which was enough for Philipp Poisel to have his first major hit in the Germany and also to write some chart history. Poisel's "Eiserner Steg", which debuted in the countdown at #21 at the start of October, vanished relatively fast before re-entering the top 100 last week at #100. However, after being performed by Benny Fiedler on the show, the single shoots itself this week to #4, registering a climb of 96 positions, which is certainly the highest ever climb on record in Germany. At the same time, Fiedler's version comes in at #25.

Inside the top ten, new peak positions are achieved by Christina Perri's "Jar of Hearts" at #6 (up from #14) and by Taio Cruz's "Troublemaker" at #7 (up from #13). The latter becomes the fifth, out of six, top ten single of Taio Cruz, who has turned into a great star in Germany. 

The highest new entry belongs to Culcha Candela. "Wildes Ding", the second single from the band's "Flätrate" LP, enters at #12 and thus improves on the #18 peak of the pilot "Hungry Eyes". It's also Culcha Candela's tenth top 20 single.

At #20 we have a re-entry of "Ich kenne nichts (das so schön ist wie du)" of RZA feat. Xavier Naidoo, which was also performed on the Voice of Germany. Originally the song reached #1 in 2003.

Further down the top 30, DJ Antoine's "Ma Chérie" continues its slow but steady climb just like "Welcome to St. Tropes" before that and is this week at #21. A position behind the Swiss DJ, The Bosshoss' "Don't Gimme That" registers a new peak by rising from #31. It's also good to see the amazing "The A Team" of Ed Sheeran advancing after a slow start and this week and entering the top 30 for the first time at #26.
Video - Ed Sheeran

And the remaining new entries with videos and some info:

40 Percival - Hedonism (Voice of Germany performance)
41 Behnam Moghaddam - The Sound Of Silence (Voice of Germany performance)
50 Radiohead - Creep - creepily or not, the now classic song of Radiohead needed a performance on the aforementioned show to chart in Germany for the first time ever.
52 Snow Patrol - This Isn't Everything You Are - An unworthy successor of one the more surprising hits in Germany last year.
62 Michael Schulte - Creep (Voice of Germany performance)
70 Max Giesinger - Fix You (Voice of Germany performance)
78 Mic Donet - Ain't No Sunshine (Voice of Germany performance)
80 Rüdiger Skoczowsky - Without You (Voice of Germany performance)
81 Jasmin Graf - Wovon sollen wir träumen (Voice of Germany performance)
86 Katja Friedenberg - Turning Tables (Voice of Germany performance)
98 Dominic Sanz - With Or Without You (Voice of Germany performance)
The Album Chart

The LP chart continues to be ruled by Adele and her "21". Is there anyone actually who hasn't bought it yet? The highest new entry is at #12 belonging to the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra and its "New Year's Concert".