The latest music from Germany, UK and USA. This week the Eurovision influx continues, plus new videos by The Saturdays, Avril, Take That, Owl City, Roxette, Jason DeRulo and many more.
вторник, 31 май 2011 г.
Austria's Top Economic News - Week 23-29 May - Deutsche Version
Es gab keine wichtige Unternehmensnachrichten am Montag. Am Morgen meldete Strabag, das größte Bauunternehmen in Österreich, dass die Firma ihre Windkraftaktivitäten verstärken will. Damit plant das Konzern 51% in zwei Holdinggesellschaften einzukaufen. Die Firmen werden Windkraftanlagen in Nordsee entwickeln und betreiben.
Laut einer Meldung vom Standard hatte Austrian Airlines (AUA) die erste drei Monaten des Jahres mit einem Verlust von EUR 60m geendet. Der Verlust wird die AUA daran hindern, ihr Ziel eine Null beim operativen Verlust im ganzen 2011 zu erreichen.
Am Dienstag meldete die Immobiliengesellschaft CA Immobilien Anlagen, dass ihre Finanzergebnisse im ersten Quartal des Jahres positiv von der Übernahme der Europolis beeinflusst wurden. Folglich stieg die Mieteinnahme um 52.6% auf EUR 63.7m und der Gewinn nach Steuern um 59.9% auf EUR 52.8m. Am Morgen sagte die Firma auch, dass sie zwei Einkaufszentren in Tschechien verkauft hatte.
Telekom Austria erschien sich zweimal in den Nachrichten. Der Standard schrieb, dass die Mass Response, eine Tochter der Telekom, von der Staatsanwaltschaft in der Vorwoche durchgesucht wurde. Früher machte BörseExpress bekannt, dass Velcom, die weißrussische Tochter von Telekom Austria, eine hohe Belastung wegen Währungsabwertungen registrieren kann.
Unter die Übernahmenachrichten teilte die Strabag mit, dass sie fünf Töchter von schwedischen Nimab erwirbt. Inzwischen sieht man Industrielle Gerald Schwieghofer als der höchste Bieder für das insolvente Werk von Mayr-Melnhof Holz in der Schweiz.
Rosenbauer, der Spezialist von Feuerwehrfahrzeugen, veröffentlichte am Dienstag, dass sein EBIT um 15% auf EUR 107.3m in den ersten drei Monaten nachgab. Der Umsatz sank um 6% auf EUR 107.3m.
Nachdem die OMV in der vorigen Woche ihre Kapitalerhöhungspläne veröffentlicht hatte, sagte die Ölfirma am Mittwoch, dass sie Hybridschuldverschreibungen von EUR 750m begeben will. Die Anleihe werden ab Juni 3 an der Wiener Börse notieren. Die Erlöse von den Maßnahmen werden für Refinanzierung der Übernahmen in Türkei und Tunesien in 2010 verwendet.
Die Saison der Finanzergebnissen für das erste Quartal des Jahres setzte sich am Mittwoch fort. Die KTM Power Sports meldete einen Rückgang von EUR 3.2m beim Gewinn nach Steuern auf EUR 0.2m. Der Umsatz des Motorradherstellers legte allerdings um EUR 10.6m auf EUR 119.6m. Die Ergebnisse waren von gestiegenen Produktionsaufwendungen belastet.
Uniqa, eine der größten Versicherungssesselschafte in Osteuropa, teilte mit, dass ihre Prämieneinnahme sich um 3% auf EUR 1.8m erhöhte. Der Konzerngewinn stieg um 17.2% auf EUR 27m. Die Firma rechnet mit erneuten Aufstieg bei ihren Finanzergebnissen im ganzen 2011.
Die Saison der Finanzergebnissen für das erste Quartal des Jahres setzte sich am Mittwoch fort. Die KTM Power Sports meldete einen Rückgang von EUR 3.2m beim Gewinn nach Steuern auf EUR 0.2m. Der Umsatz des Motorradherstellers legte allerdings um EUR 10.6m auf EUR 119.6m. Die Ergebnisse waren von gestiegenen Produktionsaufwendungen belastet.
Uniqa, eine der größten Versicherungssesselschafte in Osteuropa, teilte mit, dass ihre Prämieneinnahme sich um 3% auf EUR 1.8m erhöhte. Der Konzerngewinn stieg um 17.2% auf EUR 27m. Die Firma rechnet mit erneuten Aufstieg bei ihren Finanzergebnissen im ganzen 2011.
Am Mittwoch meldete SW Umwelttechnik einen EBIT Verlust von EUR 2.5m, gegenüber EUR 2.9m im Vorjahr. Die Erlöse erhöhten sich leicht auf EUR 8.7m von EUR 8.3m. Das Unternehmen sagte, dass die Wirtschaftskonditionen in Zentral- und Osteuropa schwierig bleiben.
Die OECD meldete am Mittwoch, dass die Organisation mit einem Aufstieg der österreichischen Wirtschaft von 2.9% im aktuellen Jahr und von 2.1% im 2012 rechnet.
Unter die Anleihenachrichten sagte Strabag, dass das Bauunternehmen eine Anleihe von EUR 175m erfolgreich platziert hatte. Die Warimpex meldete Erlöse von zirka EUR 16.8m aus ihrer Wandelanleihe in Warschau.
Der Flughafen Wien AG berichtete am Donnerstag einen Gewinn nach Steuern von EUR 19.8m, ein Aufstieg von 4.8%, in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres. Der Umsatz des Flughafens stieg um 6.9% auf EUR 131.5m. Die Firma bestätigte ihre Pläne den Betrieb des umstrittenen Aufbauprojekts Skylink im ersten Halbjahr 2012 zu starten.
Die Raiffeisen Bank International meldete am Donnerstag, dass sie sich die Erholung an den Finanzmärkten fühlen kann. Die Bank berichtete eine Faule Kredite Quote von 8.6% in dem ersten Quartal des Jahres. Der Nettogewinn gab um 19.1% auf EUR 270m nach, beeinflusst von Steuereffekten. Der Vorsteuergewinn der Bank stieg um 3.3% auf EUR 405m.
Die Teak Holz International teilte am Donnerstag auch ihre Finanzergebnisse mit. Die Firma sagte ihr EBIT sich auf EUR 5.4m in der ersten Hälfte des Fiskaljahres von EUR 6m vor einem Jahr verringerte. Der Umsatz erhöhte allerdings sich auf EUR 686,000 von EUR 255,000.
Immobiliengesellschaft Warimpex meldete am Freitag, dass ihr Verlust nach Steuern sich auf EUR 3m von EUR 656,000 in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres erhöhte. Die Erlöse blieben stabil beim EUR 21.09m. Der Vorstand der Firma sagte allerdings er zuversichtlich für das ganze Jahr ist.
Wiener Privatbank SE, eine der kleineren börsennotierten Banken in Österreich, teilte mit, dass ihr Periodenüberschuss auf EUR 0.32m im ersten Quartal von EUR 0.93m vor einem Jahr fiel. Das Ergebnis war in den ersten drei Monaten der letzten Fiskaljahres von positiv einmaligen Faktoren beeinflusst, berichtete die Bank.
Beko Holding AG veröffentlichte einen Rückgang beim ihren EBIT Verlust auf EUR 0.1m von EUR 1.1m, während der Umsatz um 19% auf EUR 26.7m stieg.
Am Wochenende sagte der Softwarespezialist Fabasoft, dass sein operative Verlust beim EUR 300,000 im Geschäftsjahr 2010/11 stand, gegenüber einem Gewinn von EUR 2.3m vor einem Jahr. Der Umsatz gab um 10% auf EUR 21.2m nach.
Unter die andere Nachrichten vereinbarte italienische ENI über den Verkauf ihre Anteil am Trans Austria Gasleitung (TAG) zu italienischen Bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).
Nach einem Bericht von WienerZeitung ist die tschechische-slowakische Investmentgruppe Penta interessiert an der Übernahme von insolventen A-Tec.
Austria's Top Economic News - Week 23-29 May
Monday was slow in terms of corporate news. In the morning Austrian biggest construction group Strabag said it is intensifying its wind power activities in the North Sea. To this end, the firm will acquire 51% in two holding companies which will develop, build and operate offshore wind power facilities.
According to a report of Standard, the country's flag carrier Austrian Airlines (AUA) booked a loss of EUR 60m for the first three months of the year. This will prevent the company from achieving its target of a zero operating loss for full 2011, the daily added.
On Tuesday CA Immobilien Anlagen said its first-quarter results were positively affected by the takeover of Europolis. Thus the firm's rental income grew 52.6% to EUR 63.7m, while net profit went up 59.9% to EUR 52.8m. In the morning, the firm also said it has agreed to sell two shopping centres in the Czech Republic.
Telekom Austria appeared twice in Tuesdays news, with Standard reporting that there were prosecutors' raids in its subsidiary Mass Response in the previous week. Earlier, BörseExpress wrote that due to currency devaluations, Telekom Austria's Belarus unit Velcom could be hit by considerable write-downs.
Among the takeover news, Strabag announced it is buying five subsidiaries of Nimab in Sweden, while Gerald Schwieghofer is expected to have placed the highest bid for the insolvent Swiss plant of Mayr-Melnhof Holz.
Rosenbauer, maker of fire fighting vehicles, said on Tuesday its first-quarter EBIT fell 15% to EUR 107.3m and its sales went down 6% to EUR 107.3m.
After OMV revealed last week capital increase plans, the company said on Wednesday it also plans to issue a hybrid bond worth EUR 750m. The hybrid notes will start trading on the Vienna Stock Exchange as of June 3. The proceeds from the measures will be used for refinancing of the implemented last year acquisitions in Turkey and Tunisia.
The financial figures season continued with KTM Power Sports, which reported a fall of EUR 3.2m in net profit to EUR 0.2m in the first quarter. The results were burdened by higher production costs. Sales, however, grew by EUR 10.6m to EUR 119.6m.
Uniqa, one of the biggest insurers in Eastern Europe, said its premium income grew 3% to EUR 1.8bn. Net profit went up 17.2% to EUR 27m. The company projects a further improvement in the results for full 2011.
Saying the market conditions in CEE continue to be difficult, SW Umwelttechnik announced an EBIT loss of EUR 2.5m for the first quarter of 2011, compared to EUR 2.9m a year earlier. Sales rose slightly to EUR 8.7m from EUR 8.3m.
OECD said on Wednesday it expects the Austrian economy to grow by 2.9% in 2011 and by 2.1% in 2012.
Among the bond news, Strabag said it has successfully placed a bond worth EUR 175m, while Warimpex registered proceeds of around EUR 16.8m from its convertible bond in Warsaw.
Flughafen Wien AG said on Thursday its net profit in the first quarter of 2011 rose 4.8% to EUR 19.8m, while sales grew 6.9% to EUR 131.5m. The company confirmed that it plans to launch the operations of the controversial Skylink terminal expansion in the first half of 2012.
Regional utility EVN revealed a net profit of EUR 184m for the first half of fiscal 2010/11, a fall of 11.7%. The company said the results were burdened by high write-downs, especially in the business in Bulgaria. Sales for the period remained almost unchanged at EUR 1.63bn. For full 2010/11 EVN expects a lower net profit than a year earlier.
Raiffeisen Bank International announced it is starting to feel the ease of the financial crisis and reported a non-performing-loan-rate of 8.6% for the first three months of the year. Net profit fell 19.1% to EUR 270m burdened by tax effects, while pretax profit grew 3.3% to EUR 405m.
Teak Holz International also released financial figures on Thursday. The company said its EBIT in the first half of fiscal 2010/11 fell to EUR 5.4m from EUR 6m a year earlier due to currency effects. Revenues, however, went up to EUR 686,000 from EUR 255,000.
Real estate company Warimpex announced on Friday its net loss widened to EUR 3m in the first quarter of 2011, compared to EUR 656,000 a year earlier. Revenues remained stable at EUR 21.09m. The management of the firm however said it was optimistic for full 2011.
Wiener Privatbank SE, one of the smaller listed banks in Austria, said its net profit fell to EUR 0.32m in Q1 2011 from EUR 0.93m for Q1 2010. The result was, however, positively affected by one-offs a year ago, the bank said.
Beko Holding AG revealed a fall in its EBIT-loss to EUR 0.1m from EUR 1.1m a year earlier. Sales went up 19% to EUR 26.7m.
Over the weekend software specialist Fabasoft reported an operating loss of EUR 300,000 for fiscal 2010/11, compared to a profit of EUR 2.3m a year earlier. Sales went down 10% to EUR 21.2m.
Among the non-results news, Italian ENI was reported to have agreed to sell its stake in gas transportation pipeline Trans Austria Gasleitung (TAG) to Italian state-owned bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).
And finally, according to a report of WienerZeitung, Czech-Slovak investment group Penta is interested in the takeover of collapsed A-Tec, the business empire of Mirko Kovats.
понеделник, 30 май 2011 г.
German chart comments - Issue date - 27.05.2011
It's Pietro Lombardi who calls his name for a second week atop the German singles chart. And, thanks to the #2-#14 collapse of DSDS's runner-up Sarah Engels, Jennifer Lopez' "On The Floor" and Snoop Dogg's "Sweat" manage to rebound a position to #2 and #3, respectively.
Video - Snoop
Moving around the new #5 peak of LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem", we are left with the highest new entry of the week at #6. Football anthems are not that common for the upper reaches of the German charts but now it seems their time has arrived. The honour goes to German symphonic band Krypteria, who together with Der BVB-Jahrhundertchor recorded the hymn of local champion Borussia Dortmund. By entering at #6, the title becomes the second highest charting hit of Krypteria, next to the #3 peak of "Liberatio" in 2005. The group is of course more famous for its albums than its singles.
So, the next new entry comes a position behind, where reunited "boy" band Blue bring their Eurovision entry "I Can". And it seems that though Germans did not award the song with their highest points, this week they like it most. In comparison, the Austrian entry, which attracted the biggest vote from Germany, enters at #71. But returning to Blue, "I Can" (neglecting the bloody awful performance in Düsseldorf) is a good return to form for the guys, who can now boast their fifth top ten single in Germany, with "Sorry Seems To The Hardest Word" being the most successful by hitting #3.
In the top 20, as it is the custom now, new peaks by Adele's "Set Fire To The Rain" at #13 and Jupiter Jones, whose "Still" is still in the top 20, this week at #15.
Video - Jupiter Jones
The Eurovision impact continues to be felt as Lena's "Taken By A Stranger" soars #33 - #16 to return to the top 20, while the rendition of her last-year winning song "Satellite" by Stefan Raab (the one and only!) enters at #24. Stefan already has several number ones under his name, so no new feats here.
At #23 Lady Gaga is finally allowed to chart in Germany with "Judas". It has been written so much over the release pattern of her latest singles, so I think there is not much to be said. And, ignoring the new entry of "Edge Of Glory", yet another song from her second album at #28, "Judas" is Gaga's first proper release to fail to enter the German top 10. But let's not write her off so soon, shall we?
New entries in the top 50 also from Juli at #35, whose "Süchtig" is one of their best releases, a surprising catchy dance entry by the band, and at #37 by Swedish House Mafia, whose "Save The World" becomes their biggest hit in Germany so far.
Video- Juli
Two peaks worth mentioning this week - at #31 VIVA favourite's Frida Gold bring their "Wovon sollen wir träumen" closer to the top 30, while at #49 Bob Sinclar's excellent "Far l'amore" makes it to the top 50 after a slow entry at #64 last week.
Video - Bob Sinclar
And let's not forget Paradise Oskar, who represented Finland at the Eurovision contest. His song "Da Da Dam" may have not attracted many votes at the final but was actually one of the best out there. Its placement at #46 in Germany proves it!
The remaining new entries with videos:
#54 R.I.O. - Miss Sunshine - Oh, the melody is so familiar....
#67 Martin Solveig feat. Kele - Ready 2 Go - Overshadowed by the continuing success of "Hello", this week #18, it still has its chances in the weeks to come...
#71 Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love - The Austrian entry in Eurovision, a beautiful ballad actually...
#75 J. Williams feat. Dane Rumble - Takes Me Higher
#92 Pitbull - Bon Bon - and why it is released just weeks after "Give Me Everything" is beyond my knowledge...
The Album Chart
The LP countdown is this week ruled by rapper Bushido, another "VIVA favourite", whose "Jenseits von Gut und Böse" becomes the singer's third album to score the summit position after "7" and "Heavy Metal Payback". Thus, surprisingly, Söhne Mannheims, one of the heavy weights in terms of album chart power, have to make do with the runner-up spot with their new album "Barrikaden von Eden".
Two new entries also at #10 and #11, with Moby's "Destroyed" and Kate Bush's "Director's Cut" bringing fresh/refreshed power to the German charts.
петък, 27 май 2011 г.
Austrian chart update - 27.05
Die Österreichische Hitparade
The top three
1. Pietro Lombardi - Call My Name (2nd week on top)
2. Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta - Sweat
3. Jedward - Lipstick (new) *
The new entries
8. Blue - I Can
22. Ell & Nikki - Running Scared *
29. Eric Saade - Popular *
31. Swedish House Mafia - Save The World
36. Shakira - Rabiosa *
40. Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of Love *
44. R.I.O. - Miss Sunshine
47. Kati Wolf - What About My Dreams? *
49. Martin Solveig Feat. Kele - Ready 2 Go
56. Pitbull - Bon, Bon
59. Rihanna - California King Bed *
64. Paradise Oskar - Da Da Dam
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff
In BG Cinemas from May 27
Поредният ергенски запой / Hangover Part II - How can you surpass the highest-grossing R-rated comedy ever? Watching Hangover 2, the answer comes easily to mind - by pushing the envelope even harder! And what a better way to do that than to throw your characters amid the madness of Bangkok - the city where everything is possible, the city which will devour you if you don't pay enough attention... This is the foundation of the second part of the biggest bachelor party ever and this is where the movie strengths lie. Though more or less exactly the same premise - a gathering gone terribly wrong, memory irrevocably lost, someone missing... - the element of absurdity is driven to its utmost limits and the result is pure comedy gold. Hangover 2, as its predecessor, is a film that justifies repetitive viewings, with a pleiades of extremely ridiculous scenes and priceless quotable lines, whose discussion will fill your private party time for many countless hours. Among the three protagonists (Justin Bartha is once again sidelined), Ed Helms (he has a demon inside himself!) and Zach Galifianakis get the best bits, with the latter's stupid childish behaviour making you cry with laughter. And finally, a cigarette smoking monkey, dressed in a Rolling Stones denim jacket and selling drugs is a way cooler than a boring tiger. Fact! (Alexandra) ****
Очите на войната / Triage (Limited) - It's not strange that this little known Colin Farrell movie directly hit the DVD shells in UK and USA. Despite that the title comes with a message concerning atrocities of war conflicts and price of friendship, it has nothing new to offer. Worst of all is, however, the way the film makers present the story - you'll need a glass of Irish whiskey to swallow its too frequent unpleasant moments. Rough around the edges and poorly acted, Triage will be liked only by fans of war-themed movies. (ProFilms) **
Previews this week:
(Full reviews next Friday)
Kung-fu Panda 2 - Po and the gang will kick your peacock a*s - ****
The Tree Of Life - A pretentious, bursting with ideas, boring mess - *
MISSED OPPORTUNITIES - Oh, even The Tree of Life is coming straight at us, so I'm gonna spare the distributors this time...
The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fun
** So-so
* Stay away
сряда, 25 май 2011 г.
BG Boxoffice Update - Weekend 20-24 May
Ho, ho, ho, the pirates have swept the Bulgarian boxoffice with an ease. Arriving straight at #1 with the jaw-dropping BGN 719,693, including two days of previews, the title has not only anchored the best debut of 2011 but its distributor was quick to announce that it is the best debut in Bulgaria ever. Looking behind the PR propaganda, which of course is quite understandable, we should mention that the weekend actually covered five days, until Tuesday, due to the local national holiday of 24 May. As in Bulgaria no one cares to give day-to-day statistics, it is difficult to judge the actual achievement of the pirates monster, but nevertheless, its results are more than impressive. Thus, the fourth instalment of the Jack Sparrow adventures will surpass in the next days the final boxoffice figure of the third one, which sailed away with a total of BGN 771,503. Comparisons, however, are still difficult as we should also count in the inflation factor as well as the 3D and IMAX 3D surcharges, but it's a sure bet that even if these are taken into account Pirates of The Caribbean 4 will be the most successful of the series in Bulgaria.
Despite a considerable hurdle in its distribution pattern, Fast Five slipped this week by a respectable 40%, boasting a total of BGN 825,206 in its three-week run. Universal should be proud! Oh, they, as Michael Jackson says it, don't care about us...
Slowly flying to the one million threshold, animated hit Rio falls by a mere 10%, with a total of BGN 938,788 so far. At #4, despite losing many screens, Thor's results only halved compared to the previous weekend and the Marvel god of thunder can congratulate himself with a result of BGN 764,090 so far.
Unexpected increase of 64% was achieved this week by Love.Net, with this excuse for a movie boosting its account to BGN 1,241,260. Oh, and we can all be sure that the much superior Lora Ot Sutin Do Vecher (Lora From Morning Till Evening), which arrives in two weeks will be a flop...
This weekend, the fans of Robert Pattinson should celebrate as Water For Elephants seems to have found its audience and rose by 43% in its second week on our screens.
The only film to leave the top ten is The Sammy Adventures, which with almost BGN 70,000 leva can be considered a success having in mind it is an European old extremely unknown title.
As I forgot to take into account the long weekend when I made my projections a week ago, no real comparisons with my forecasts can be made.
Next weekend projections:
Hangover Part II - BGN 120,000
(1 BGN = USD 0.73/EUR 0.51)
вторник, 24 май 2011 г.
Austria's Top Economic News - Week 15-22 May - Deutsche Version
Morgen früh teilte die Pankl Racing Systems AG hervorragende Finanzergebnisse für das erste Quartal des Jahres mit. Der Umsatz des Autozulieferers erhöhte sich auf EUR 29.166m von EUR 25.667m vor einem Jahr. Der Periodenüberschuss stieg auf EUR 2.366m von EUR 2.069m. Pankl, die von den guten Wirtschaftsbedienungen profitierte, sagte auch sie erwartet der Zuwachs sich in den kommenden Monaten zu fortsetzen.
Statistik Austria meldete am Montag, dass die Inflation in Österreich auf 3.3% in April von 3.1% in März gestiegen hatte. Das Aprilniveau war das höchste seit September 2008 und war von den Preisen von Ölprodukten und Nahrungsmitteln hoch getrieben.
Am Montag gab Bank Austria, die Osteuropäische Tochter von der Italienischen Unicredit, bekannt, dass sie das Kapital bei ihrer Tochter in Kasachstan um EUR 198m erhöhen will.
Allerdings kommentieren alle zum Wochenbeginn die Wörter von Andreas Treichl, der Vosrstandchef der Erste Group, der gesagt hatte, dass österreichische Politikern blöd und feig sind. Natürlich waren die meiste Parteien durch die Aussagen von Herrn Treichl geschockt. Einige von seinen Kollegen unterstützten ihnen aber alle sagten, dass die Bankchefswörter zu scharf waren.
Am Abend waren die Wörter von Treichl kurz überschatten durch die Meldung von OMV, dass die Ölfirma eine Kapitalerhöhung von bis zu 27m neuen Aktien plant. Die Transaktion wird Einnamen von bis zu EUR 900m bringen.
Obwohl diskutierten alle die Wörter von Treichl erneut am Dienstag, gab es auch andere Nachrichten. Am Morgen teilte Vienna Insurance mit, dass ihr Periodenüberschuss um 5.7% auf EUR 115.6m in dem ersten Quartal des Jahres gestiegen ist. Das Ergebnis von gewöhnlichen Operationen erhöhte sich um 7% auf EUR 142.8m und VIG sagte, sie ein Ergebnis von EUR 508m für das ganze Jahr erwartete. Das wird ein Aufstieg von zirka 10% sein. Trotz eines Einbruchs in Österreich kletterte die Prämieneinnahme des Versicherungsunternehmens um 2.9% auf EUR 2.6bn in den ersten drei Monaten des Geschäftsjahres. Im ganzen 2011 rechnet VIG mit einer Prämieneinnahme von zwischen 2% und 4% gegenüber das Vorjahr.
Am Nachmittag machte Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) bekannt, dass sie eine Anleihe von EUR 500m begeben hatte.
Mittwoch kommt voller Finanzergebnissen. Die Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment war die erste und das Unternehmen veröffentlichte eine 81.8% Zunahme beim Umsatz auf EUR 97.3m in dem ersten Quartal des Jahres. Der Periodenüberschuss der Firma stieg von EUR 2.5m auf EUR 11.6m hoch. Die Finanzergebnisse waren höher als erwarteten von den Analysten.
Atrium European Real Estate teilte mit, dass ihr Vorsteuergewinn auf EUR 26.4m halbierte, während die brutto Mieteinnahmen sich um 11% auf EUR 38.9m verringerten. Maschinenbauer Binder+Co gab einen Umsatz von EUR 17.34m, einen Aufstieg von 44%, bekannt, während das EBIT dreifach stieg.
Sparkassen Immobilien AG, oder S Immo, war das letzte Unternehmen Finanzergebnisse am Mittwoch zu mitteilen. Die Firma meldete einen Gewinn von EUR 5.4m, einen Rückgang von EUR 6m vor einem Jahr. Das EBIT legte mit 60% auf EUR 26.6m zu und die Mieteinnahmen erhöhten sich mit 38% auf EUR 30.3m.
Unter die andere Nachrichten sagte Strabag, dass die eine Anleihe von EUR 175m begeben will. Die Anleihe wird einen Zinssatz von 4.75% und eine Fälligkeit von sieben Jahre haben.
Donnerstag begann mit dem Büromöbelhersteller Bene, der einen Umsatz von EUR 170.8m im Geschäftsjahr 2010/11, einen Rückgang von 4.7%. Der Verlust der Firma verringerte sich auf EUR 8.2m von EUR 14m. Bene erwartet eine Umsatzzunahme in dem aktuellen Geschäftsjahr, samt einem leichten Verlust.
General Motors Powertrain-Austria, der Motorehesteller in Wien, wird seinen Namen auf Opel Wien wechseln, die Firma sagte am Donnerstagmorgen.
Die ganze Saga um Andreas Treichl, der Vorstandschef von Erste Group, endete am Donnerstag nach dem Manager eine Entschuldigung machte. Allerdings forderte Treichl von den Politikern Maßnahmen für eine Unterstützung von dem Banksektor in Österreich und in Osteuropa zu ergreifen und eine Kreditklemme zu verhindern. Er sagte auch, dass die Erste Bank das Staatskapital bevor dem Ende der ersten Jahreshälfte zurückgeben plant.
Die Saison der Finanzergebnisse setzte sich am Donnerstag fort. Linz Textil meldete sie das erste Quartal des Jahres mit einem Aufstieg von 20% beim Umsatz auf EUR 35.1m geendet hatte. Der Gewinn nach Steuern
stieg um 37% auf EUR 2.43m. Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg (BTV) veröffentlichte einen Periodenueberschuss von EUR 13.1m, eine Zunahme von 21.4%.
stieg um 37% auf EUR 2.43m. Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg (BTV) veröffentlichte einen Periodenueberschuss von EUR 13.1m, eine Zunahme von 21.4%.
Und während die Kunden von Mtel, die bulgarische Tochter der Telekom Austria, einen stillen Protest vor der österreichische Botschaft in Sofia planen, hatte die Mutter ihre Hauptversammlung in Wien. Für mehr als sechs Monaten konnte Mtel ihr Softwaresystem nicht kontrollieren und, als viele Kunden sagen, die Rechnungen nicht korrekt kalkulieren.
Die Immobiliengeschäft Conwert teilte am Freitag mit, dass ihr Umsatz für das erste Quartal des Jahres um 37% auf EUR 126.8m gestiegen ist, während das EBIT sich um 24% auf EUR 27.6m erhöht hat.
Ausschließlich Immobilienneubewertungen rechnet die Firma mit einem 15% Aufstieg beim ihren EBIT im ganzen 2011. Nach BTV am Donnerstag machte Oberbank, auch ein Teil von der 3-Banken Gruppe, am Freitag bekannt, dass ihr Gewinn nach Steurn um 30.4% auf EUR 28.1m in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres zugelegt hat. BKS, die dritte Bank der Gruppe, sagte ihr Gewinn um 22.1% auf EUR 10.7m gestiegen ist.
Unter die andere Nachrichten am Freitag sagte Impfstoffhersteller Intercell, dass er eine Ermächtigung von seinen Aktionären für eine bestimmte Kapitalerhöhung von bis zu EUR 1.5m suchen will. Inzwischen veröffentlichte OMV seine Pläne die Arbeit in Aserbaidschan zu intensivieren.
Only the latest - 23.05
The latest music from Germany, UK and USA, including new hot videos from Scooter, Steven Tyler, Cascada, Mehrzad Marashi, Hard-Fi, Beyonce (finally!), Swedish House Mafia, Juli plus a serious candidate for the worst song ever with a Michael Bolton participation...
неделя, 22 май 2011 г.
German chart comments - Issue date - 20.05.2011
The reign of Jennifer Lopez over the German singles market has come to an end with the arrival of the latest winner of the Deutschland sucht den Superstar (DSDS, or the German music idol). Pietro Lombardi is the next "superstar" to come out of the Dieter Bohlen's talent searching show and has as almost all of his predecessors taken his debut single "Call My Name" directly to the top. Exactly a year ago Mehrzad Marashi did the same with "Don't Believe" before quickly disappearing from the chart radar. In fact, despite strong first singles, the DSDS show, though now in its eight edition, has brought only two stars with a proper chart career - Alexander Klaws and Mark Medlock.
Though, the debut of Pietro at #1 is nothing new, the new entry at #2 definitely makes chart history, as DSDS's runner-up Sarah Engels takes the silver medal with her take on the same song. I've never heard that to have happened so far in the chart, but maybe there were similar cases in the past.
Thus, following a five-week stay at the top, J.Lo. has to retreat to #3.
At #4 and #5 we have another double, this time belonging to superstar DJ David Guetta, whose take on Snoop Dogg's "Sweat" falls to #4 but his new single, a collaboration with Flo Rida and Nicki Minaj, comes new at #5. "Where Dem Girls At" is the pilot single of Guetta's new album and once again sees him collaborating with Flo Rida. Their last single together -- was a massive hit in Germany, peaking at #4 and standing in the top 20 for ages.
Further down the top 20, the only chart movement worth mentioning is the three-position jump of Jupiter Jones, whose "Still", one of the definitive slow-burners this season, makes another peak.
Following last week's new entry at #26 (this week down to #32) of Inna's "Sun Is Up", another Romanian star enters the German chart in the mid-twenties. The honour goes to Alexandra Stan, whose debut single "Mr. Saxobeat" comes new at #27.
After the massive success of Wiz Khalifa in the USA and UK, the German audience seems not so impressed as "Black & Yellow" has a late new entry at #31.
Another new entry at #34. It comes from Natasha Bedingfield with the 2011 release of "Pocketful of Sunshine". The song, despite featuring in the album of the same name from 2008 (the LP was not released in Germany), will be also the lead single of Natasha's "Strip Me Away" album.
And last but not least, let's not omit the #35 peak of "Welcome To St. Tropez" of DJ Antoine. Perhaps the top 30 is the next threshold before the dance smash?
And the rest new entries with videos:
#64 Bob Sinclar feat. Raffaela Carra - Far l'amore - a great track from the French DJ and a shamefully low placing...
#76 Michelle & Matthias Reim - Idiot (2011)
#86 WhoCares - Out Of My Mind
#87 Frei.Wild - Weil du mich nur verarscht hast
#91 Darius & Finlay feat. Tibration - She's A Freak
#93 Herbert Grönemeyer - Fernweh - What a flop despite being better than "Schiffsverkehr" by a mile...
The Album Chart
The album chart is reigned this week by the rock veterans of AC/DC and their latest DVD "Live At River Plate". It marks the fourth number one of the band in Germany, with all number-one albums of AC/DC being released in the new millennium. New entries in the top ten also by rapper Favorite with "Christoph Alex" at #4 and by Laith Al-Deen with "Der letzte Deiner Art" at #5.
Austria's Top Economic News - Week 16-22 May
Early in the morning, car parts maker Pankl Racing Systems AG reported excellent results for the first quarter of 2011. Sales grew to EUR 29.166m from EUR 25.667m a year earlier. The company's net profit rose to EUR 2.366m from EUR 2.069m. Pankl, which profited from the good economic conditions in the first quarter, said it expects the growth trend to remain in the following quarters.
Statistik Austria announced on Monday that the country's inflation rate rose to 3.3% in April, its highest level since September 2008, from 3.1% in March. The rate was boosted by high prices of oil products and food.
On Monday Bank Austria, the eastern European unit of Italian Unicredit, said it is raising the capital of its subsidiary in Kazakhstan by EUR 198m, while engine maker ATB officially said that its 2010 loss has eaten half of its capital.
However, at the start of the week, all were commenting the words of Andreas Treichl, CEO of Erste Group, that the country's politicians were stupid and cowardly. Of course, most of the Austrian parties were shocked by Treichl's statements, which at the same time drew the support of businessmen and managers in Austria. No one however backed the language used by the top banker.
In the evening, the words of Treichl were shortly overshadowed by the announced by OMV capital increase. The oil major plans to issue up to 27m new shares and to raise up to EUR 900m in proceeds from the move.
Despite that on Tuesday all attention was once again focused on Treichl's words, some other important news also appeared. In the morning Vienna Insurance reported its quarterly results, saying its net profit rose 5.7% to EUR 115.6m. The firm's earnings from ordinary operations grew 7% to EUR 142.8m and VIG said it expects around EUR 508m for full 2011, up by around 10%. Despite a drop in Austria, the premium income went up 2.9% to EUR 2.6bn in the first quarter. For 2011 an increase of between 2% and 4% is projected.
Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) announced in the afternoon it had placed a bond worth EUR 500m on the capital market.
Wednesday was full with quarter results, with Schoeller-Bleckmann Oilfield Equipment (SBO) being first. The company reported a 81.8% increase in sales to EUR 97.3m. Net profit soared to EUR 11.6m from EUR 2.5m. The results slightly exceeded the projections of analysts. Atrium European Real Estate said its first-quarter pretax profit almost halved to EUR 26.4m. Gross rental income fell 11% to EUR 38.9m. Machinery group Binder+Co announced a 44% rise in sales to EUR 17.34m, while EBIT rose by a threefold.
Sparkassen Immobilien AG, or S Immo, was the last to report results on Wednesday. It revealed a net profit of EUR 5.4m, down from EUR 6m. EBIT grew 60% to EUR 26.6m. Rental income went up 38% to EUR 30.3m.
Among the other news, builder Strabag said it plans a EUR 175m bond with a 4.75% coupon rate and maturity of seven years.
Thursday began with office furniture maker Bene announcing EUR 170.8m in sales for fiscal 2010/11, down 4.7% in annual comparison. The company's loss narrowed to EUR 8.2m from EUR 14m. Bene projected an increase in sales for 2011/12, together with a "slightly negative result".
General Motors Powertrain-Austria, the engine maker based in Vienna, will be renamed into Opel Wien with immediate effect, the company also said in the morning.
The whole saga around Erste Group's CEO Andreas Treichl came to a relative closure on Thursday after the manager apologised for his statements from last Friday. Treichl, however, urged the politicians to take measures regarding the banking sector in Austria and eastern Europe and thus to avoid a credit crunch in the region. He also said Erste plans to start returning the received from the state capital help before the end of the first half of 2011.
The financial results reporting season also continued as Linz Textil said it had closed the first quarter with sales of EUR 35.1m, up 20%, and a net profit of EUR 2.43m, up 37%. Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg (BTV), in its turn, said its net profit rose 21.4% to EUR 13.1m.
And while the clients of MTel, the Bulgarian unit of Telekom Austria, plan a silent protest in front of the Austrian embassy in Sofia, Telekom Austria had its annual shareholders meeting in Vienna. For more than six months, the Bulgarian firm was unable to take control of its software system, resulting, as many say, into delayed, incorrect and overcharged bills...
Real estate firm Conwert said on Friday its first-quarter sales grew 37% to EUR 126.8m, while EBIT went up 24% to EUR 27.6m. Without taking into account real estate revaluations, the company projects a 15% rise in EBIT for full 2011. After BTV on Thursday, Oberbank, also part of the 3-Banken Gruppe, announced its financial figures on Friday. The bank's net profit soared 30.4% to EUR 28.1m in the first quarter of 2011. BKS, the third bank from the group, revealed a net profit of EUR 10.7m, up 22.1%.
Among the other news on Friday, vaccine maker Intercell said it will seek an authorisation by its shareholders for a conditional capital increase of up to EUR 1.5m. Meanwhile, OMV announced plans to intensify its collaboration with Azerbaijan.
четвъртък, 19 май 2011 г.
In BG Cinemas from May 20
Карибски пирати: В непознати води / Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - It's clear that whatever I write here, the latest instalment of the Pirates saga will make zillions of dollars and will rank among the first five 2011 movies, at least in Bulgaria. Anyway, taking the risk of repeating the words of many critics around the globe, I have to say that the captain Jack Sparrow adventures have now officially turned into a typical Disneyland ride. Yes, they are funny, yes, they offer exciting thrills, enchanting visuals and great effects, but at the end it is nothing more than an attraction at your local amusement park (in our case cinema chain). And, it's interesting to see how much of the same "magic" Hollywood will throw at us in the next few years.
But let's talk about part 4 now. Despite the lack of Orlando/Keira and Davy Jones, we are for the same treat once again - Johnny Depp does his usual shenanigans (and once again, at the end it's not enough!), Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa is majestic as always, but feels criminally underused, while Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane are just fine but suffer from deeply underwritten characters. Meanwhile we have another love story going on on the sideline, this time between a Christian missioner and a mermaid, but it's so rushed and lacking of any details that the movie could definitely pass without it. The latter however cannot be said for the mermaids, who are showed as glorious but extremely vicious creatures and their attack on the sailors is the film peak (though it comes towards the middle..). There are one or two zombies thrown for a good (read misjudged) measure. Oh, and of course there is an abundance of subplots, betrayals, a pig and even the annoying monkey (a special bonus point, however, to an excellent cameo of a certain Dame early on).
To sum it up, Pirates 4 is not as bad as I might have sounded but it offers nothing new. We've already been there, done that! Of course, this would not stop you to go and watch the Jack Sparrow show again and again. Just like a new visit to the best theme park ride out there...
N.B. to the producers - give Gore Verbinski another shot, he at least was capable of making the action staff a little bit more interesting and mind blowing! (Forum Film) ***
Мисионерът / Le Missionnaire (Belgium) (Limited) - Attending the screening of this little Belgian movie, I honestly expected it to be a considerable pile of sh*t. Thankfully, I was more than positively surprised. The film turned to be a breezy unpretentious comedy, comparable to the ones we are used to watch on the Diema channel in the evening (the Bud Spencer/Terence Hill flicks or the Louis de Funes works are a good reference) but definitely with an updated plot and a few more bucks thrown all over it. The characters are likeable and the plot, albeit simple, offers a few nice surprises on the way. In addition, it's brief running time, unlike the Pirates behemoth, will even give you time for a drink with the mates. (ProFilms) **1/2
Бохеми / La Boheme (Austria, Germany) (Limited) - Sometimes such odd things happen at our cinemas that coming from nowhere, a distributor surprises us with an opera adaptation for the big screens. Based on the famous Puccini opera, the movie features the voice and beauty of Anna Netrebko and its unmissable for all lovers of classic music... *** Van Kris
MISSED OPPORTUNITY - Arthur - Though no fool out there has expected that the remake of the 1981's Dudley Moore comedy classic would be superior to the original, it is certain that the latest Russell Brand vehicle has been cancelled from Bulgarian distribution not because the movie lacks in quality. After last year we didn't get Get Him To The Greek delivered in our cinemas and this Easter the Bulgarian audience was deprived of its Easter Bunny, it's not hard to think that the distributors have a thing or two against the Katy Perry hubby. So, for yet another time the star power of Brand to attract viewers in Bulgaria remains untested. And don't get me started on the atrocity that now to watch Helen Mirren in the iconic role of the butler, the fans should search in the site with the African name. (Responsible - Alexandra)
Austrian chart update - 20.05
1. Pietro Lombardi - Call My Name (new)
2. Sarah Engels - Call My Name (new)
3. Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta - Sweat
New entries:
30. Nik P. - Wo Die Liebe Deinen Namen Trägt **
40. James Blunt - So Far Gone *
44. Wiz Khalifa - Black And Yellow
49. Don Omar feat. Lucenzo - Danza Kuduro *
59. Darius & Finlay vs. Tibration - She's A Freak **
60. Bushido feat. Kay One - Das Ist Business *
65. Herbert Grönemeyer - Fernweh
66. The Naked & Famous - Young Blood
68. Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful Of Sunshine
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff
сряда, 18 май 2011 г.
BG Boxoffice Update - Weekend 13-15 May
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An elephant is not a boxoffice, Reese! |
No surprises this weekend as Fast Five spends a second week on the top of the Bulgarian boxoffice. With a fall of 43% and a total of 654,983 leva in its safe, the fifth and now officially the best instalment of the Vin Diesel/Paul Walker extravaganza is quickly speeding towards the one million leva barrier. A quick look shows that the previous movie from the series earned above USD 380,000 in its entire run, which has already been surpassed by Fast Five. The latter is now also the most successful title of Universal in the recent movie history in Bulgaria. And we all know how the studio loves us over here...
Naturally, the Fast Five supremacy will come to an end next weekend due to one Captain Sparrow. The biggest loser, however, is going to be Thor, which now can congratulate itself with the second place and a total of 694,289 leva under its cloak but will have to lose most of the 3D screens on Friday. This directly means that there probably will not be a million leva account for the Marvel hero.
But let's get back to the current boxoffice. The highest new entry comes in at #3, where vampire flick The Priest conjures up a total of 65,328 leva, including two days of previews. Last year's Legion attracted USD 55,000 in its entire run, which the new Paul Bettany/Scott Stewart collaboration will have no problems beating. The figures, however, cannot be compared directly as The Priest has offered its vampires in 3D, which of course means more bucks per viewer. Unfortunately, the two titles have something in common - an extremely low quality, which will more or less lead to a poor word-of-mouth and thus kill the movie soon.
The last new entry of the week can be found as low as number seven. The lavish adaptation of Water For Elephants stumbles there with the miserable and non-elephant result of 10,732 leva, showing that contemporary cinema goers prefer fast cars than slow-burning romances. And the fact that it's based on a famous novel and that star Robert Pattinson even had a birthday on Friday didn't give the movie much power...
Looking at the top ten drop-outs is a little bit tough this week as Limitless has strangely disappeared from the overall boxoffice. Perhaps its distributor was too busy buying new and exciting independent titles than to provide any figures...* It is, however, certain that Just Go With It, the latest and extremely successful Adam Sandler comedy, leaves the first ten with the more-than-excellent total of 214,000 leva.
Compared to my projections, The Priest hit exactly my forecast of 65,000 leva (yes, I can be good at this), while Water For Elephants was clearly overestimated and missed my projection with almost 25,000 leva (yes, I can suck at this).
Next weekend's projections:
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 450,000 leva, including previews.
(1 BGN = USD 0.73/EUR 0.51)
* No irony intended :)
понеделник, 16 май 2011 г.
Only the latest - 16.05
The latest music from Germany, UK and USA, including new and exciting videos from Rihanna, Calvin Harris, Pitbull, The Black Eyed Peas, The Feeling, Andrea Corr, Nicki Minaj, REM, Herbert Gronemeyer, the Eurovison and DSDS winners, plus many more! Enjoy :)
събота, 14 май 2011 г.
Austrian chart update - 13.05
There are not many differences between the German and Austrian singles charts, but I think the latter deserves to have its own place in my blog. So every weekend you'll be able to find here information on the new entries in the top 75 and also watch the videos to the songs.
The top three
1. Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta - Sweat - a second week on top
2. Caro Emerald - A Night Like This
3. David Guetta, Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj - Where Dem Girls At (NEW) *
New entries:
20. Madcon - Outrun The Sun
23. Bob Sinclar - Far L'Amore *
26. Groove Coverage - Angeline
31. Bushido - Wie ein Loewe *
32. Adele - Set Fire To The Rain
43. Britney Spears - Till The World Ends
47. Hugh Laurie - You Don't Know My Mind *
55. Nick Carter - Just One Kiss
61. Inna - Sun Is Up
64. Dornrosen - REHGEHEGESONG **
* - Still to enter the German charts
** - pure Austrian stuff
German chart comments - Issue date - 13.05.2011
Still a slow period atop the German singles chart, where Jennifer Lopez's "On The Floor" clocks up a fifth week. Once again J.Lo. biggest challenger is Snoop Dogg and the David Guetta remix of "Sweat".
For a change, this week we have a powerful new entry straight in the top three. The song in question belongs to Jessie J, the extremely hot newcomer from UK. "Price Tag", her second single, has already made history in UK and is also climbing inside the USA top 100, thus unsurprisingly it lands at #3 in Germany. In comparison, Jessie J's pilot single "Do It Like A Dude" peaked at #41 several months ago.
Further in the top 10, we have another new entry, coming from LMFAO & Lauren Bennett & GoonRock, whose "Party Rock Anthem" launches directly at #7. The song has already been a smash in UK, but though it's not the worst out there, I'm still not getting the appeal.
Inside the top 10, we should also mention a new peak by Caro Emerald's extremely popular "A Night Like This" at #4 and the #11-#10 climb of Pitbull and his "Give Me Everything". The latter already has a video, so I guess only big things lie ahead of the single.
At #12 Aloe Blacc shoots back in the top 20 with his second single "Loving You Is Killing Me", which still has to rise in the top 10 to match the success of "I Need A Dollar".
It's now obligatory but yes, once again, Adele's "Set Fire To The Rain" goes up and enters the top 20 for the first time in its steady climb.
Video (live)
The third highest new entry comes from Groove Coverage at #22. The German act is responsible for dancefloor anthems from the early 2000s, such as "Moonlight Shadow", "God Is a Girl" and "Poison". Continuing the tradition "Angeline" is once again a cover, this time of "Lotusblume" by German band Die Flippers, but nevertheless it so reminds me of the great VIVA days, that all I can do is love it!
It's better late than never, but despite the success of O Zone and Edward Maya, Romanian singer Inna has never had a top 30 single in Germany. And she even had a top 10 hit in UK! Now all this changes, as "Sun Is Up" enters new at #26, beating by ten positions the #36 peak of "Amazing".
Enjoying a steady career after their Eurovision performance exactly a year ago, Norwegian band Madcon bring another single in the top 30. "Outrun The Sun" comes after "Glow" reached #4 and stood in the top 50 for ages, and "Freaky Like Me" peaked #9.
At #41 German punk band Broilers (a great name btw) finally makes it to the top 100 with its "Harter Weg". The band has been active since the mid-1990s, but this is the first time the commercial market smiles at it. Anyway, if you, like me, have been unacquainted with the Broilers, they are worth checking out...
Though I expected "Friends Turbo", the latest single of super band Scooter to soar quickly, it actually faded to #59 last week but this time rebounds 16 positions and peaks at #43. It still is the least successful single of H.P. and co. but at least enters the top 50. The song, which features in the soundtrack of #1 movie "New Kids Turbo", is based on Scooter's 1995 hit "Friends", which reached #3.
Between the 50-100 positions we have only one new entry, belonging to heartthrob Nick Carter, of Backstreet Boys fame. "Just One Kiss" is the third solo single of Nick to enter the top 100 after the 2002 "Help Me" peaked #18 and the 2003 "I Got You" flopped at #87.
The Album Chart
Five new albums enter the top ten this week, with veterans Beastie Boys leading the pack with " Hot Sauce Committee Part Two", which enters at #3. The guys have had only one number one album in Germany - "Hello Nasty" from 1998.
Despite being #1 in the singles chart, Jennifer Lopez fails to capture the same kind of magic in the LPs, where her "Love" album enters at #4. Nevertheless, apart from the misjudged "Brave", all albums of the latino star have entered the German top five so far, with "J.Lo" reaching the summit in 2001.
"Mir so nah", the third solo album of Cassandra Steen, comes new at #5, becoming her most successful in terms of peak positions.
A great news for fans of club music as ATB brings his eight album "Distant Earth" straight at #7, a position, which the DJ has never reached so far in his long career.
The last new entry in the top ten belongs to House MD, or as his friends call him Hugh Laurie, who has conquered the music scene with his blues albums "Let Them Talk", which comes in at #8.
Once again the top two positions remain unchanged, occupied by Adele and Herbert Groenemeyer, whose freshest new single can be heard via the link below.
петък, 13 май 2011 г.
In BG Cinemas from May 13
Свещеникът / The Priest 3D - Having skipped last-year turkey The Legion (everyone, even the die-hard genre fans say it's awful) and having read that director Scott Charles Stewart pledged to have learned his lesson with his second Paul Bettany collaboration, I expected at least a 90-minute thrilling adventure with The Priest. And how wrong I was. This new take on the vampire genre starts well - every admirer of True Blood will scream with joy seeing Mr. Bill Compton on the other side, this time as a victim of the vampires, but this early five minutes quickly turn into a dull mixture of an already observed stuff, including Van Helsing (it was at least fun, despite all naysayers), Equilibrium (a considerably underrated Christian Bale flick) and many direct-to-DVD titles. But instead taking the best of these films and bring us a coherent and interesting story, Stewart has opted for predictability, while the work of his cast gives no help at all. Paul Bettany strives to make the role of a priest warrior his own and Maggie Q tries to kick some ass with a serious facial expression. At the same time Cam Gigandet once again proves he can only grace magazine covers but cannot act, while Karl Urban's villain has a true shining moment during an attack of an innocent city but offers nothing remembering at the end. Visually, there are no ground-breaking effects and to remove all human from the vampires (yes, I know it's a comic) definitely doesn't help. These vampires are so CGI heavy, that the only thing they can do is to yell (several times in a row!!!) at the camera, just to show how threatening they are. I don't know what is next for the director, but a clear shift in genre (or why not a new job path!) would be a clever decision. (Alexandra) *1/2
Вода за слонове / Water for Elephants - Some weeks ago, all signals were that this adaptation of the famous novel of the same name would miss our screens. Nevertheless, thanks to the Fox distributor, not only we can adore this marvellous story in its full cinema glory but we'll see it almost two months in advance than previously planned. Delivering great visuals, Water For Elephants is definitely a movie destined to be watched on the big screen. In fact, the film, with its astonishing cinematography and, most of all, its true-hard-to-believe and it-only-can-happen-at-the-movies kind of love story is so old fashioned that you can almost sense the smell of the long gone local district cinema. For many of the current cinema goers, this would be a strong negative factor, for others, including me, this would be the basis where the movie charm can be found. As for the cast, it is certain that all haters of Mr. Pattinson will mock at his work but guys, please, give yourself a break! At the same time Reese Witherspoon will win many admirers with her scanty clothes and fabulous looks. The cherry of the cake, however, for yet another movie, is Christoph Waltz, who invests passion, love, anger and hatred in his character, making the role among his best ones. (Alexandra) ***1/2
Турнето / Turneja (The Tour) - Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia (Limited) - Fans of Balkan cinema will be more than happy that this 2008 movie of director Goran Markovic finally sees the light of the cinema hall in Bulgaria. The story of a group of actors endeavouring a tour in war-hit Bosnia and Herzegovina will not remain among Serbia's best but still offers the typical for the region dose of humour, some good performances and an intriguing script. (ProFilms) ***
MISSED OPPORTUNITY - Jumping the Broom - Although the title is currently scheduled for a release in Bulgaria in September, it's a 100% certain bet that this comedy will not get a cinema distribution here. After last year's Death at a Funeral was cancelled at the last minute, it's obvious that movies targeting the Afro American audience have zero chance in countries such as ours. And though I understand the motives of the distributor, this wedding comedy would have been a fresh air amid the inevitable dropping of the much superior Bridesmaids. The latter is for now scheduled for a July release in Bulgaria, but we all know what is happening with the Universal titles on these shores. C'mon, FF prove me wrong this time! (Responsible Alexandra)
The ratings:
***** Perfect
**** Unmissable
*** Fun
** So-so
* Stay away
вторник, 10 май 2011 г.
BG Boxoffice Update - Weekend 6-8 May
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Hitting the #1 slot was never so easy for these two. |
Perhaps no-one would be surprised to see the latest Fast & Furious flick arriving atop the Bulgarian boxoffice this weekend. The fifth instalment of the franchise is not only deemed the best in the series so far, but has already been the most profitable worldwide. In our humble country, the Diesel/Rock/Walker vehicle cashes in some 198,963 leva over the weekend period, which despite being the second highest result of the year so far cannot be seen as something so extraordinary. However, before making any final judgements, let's just say that including its full week of previews, Fast Five has made a total of 379,391 leva, which means that the one million barrier is definitely within reach. And believe me, it would be carried forward by an excellent word of mouth. I personally do not remember a movie to have earned such an enormous amount of money in its preview run, which just shows how preloaded the demand for the action adventure was. We should also not forget that the title is not screened in the Cinema City multiplex chain, which automatically deprives it from at least 100,000 leva in its first weekend. Don't know what the point of all this Universal/BG distributor game is, but it's definitely not a win-win scenario.
Last week's #1 Thor remained top choice of all fans of the aforementioned cinema chain, so not surprisingly it slides by a mere 34% to #2, where the mighty god of thunder can marvel (look what I've done here:)) at its 550,162 leva total boxoffice so far. Who says now that Bulgarians are not fans of the comic movie genre?
At #3 animated 3D hit Rio stands still, losing zero percent, and singing over a total of 849,768 leva in its cage.
The second highest new entry of the week can be found at #5, where Hall Pass, the latest offering of the Farrelly brothers can congratulate itself with 26,488 leva for the weekend and 45,723 leva including preview screenings. Not the best result out there, but the fact that it has no strong A-list power (sorry Owen) and is a considerably late premier for Bulgaria (many fools have already downloaded it!), is quite an achievement if you ask me. The latest Adam Sandler movie, Just Go With It, also started with around 30,000 leva and at present stands pretty at #10 with 209,000 leva so far.
Apart from Fast Five, the most talked over new offering of the week was of course Sbogom Mamo. All the controversy surrounding the latest Bulgarian title wasn't much of a help as the movie says hi to the chart at #7 this week with just 11,880 leva. And it's the premise and the killing competition that stopped it from being another BG monster, rather than the negative press which the Michelle Bonev film attracted.
Three titles leave the top 10 this weekend led by Source Code, which has made the more-than-respectable 136,037 leva so far. For a non-major Hollywood title and zero promotion, we should be only happy that so many viewers watched it. Those who missed it can only regret.
The Rite, the one of the two movies this week in which Tony Hopkins is not a god, slips to #12 with 135,920 in its Vatican accounts -- also a good result for a horror film and a late Bulgarian premier.
Those last sounds you hear this week are the screams of the Bulgarian distributor of Scream 4, as the title goes out of the first ten with just 55,854 leva. And it was a world premier!
Compared to my projections, Fast Five missed it with some 80,000 leva, though I'm still proud of my 300,000 leva forecast. At the same time Hall Pass came close to my 30,000 leva expectation, but excluding previews, while Sbogom Mamo was also close to the 15,000 leva forecast.
Next weekend projections:
Water For Elephants - 35,000 leva
Priest 3D - 65,000 leva, including two days of previews
(1 BGN = USD 0.76/EUR 0.51)
понеделник, 9 май 2011 г.
Only the latest - 9.05
The latest music from UK, Germany and USA, including new videos by Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, ATB, Blue, Panic at The Disco, The Wombats and many more!
неделя, 8 май 2011 г.
Austria's Top Economic News - Week 2-8 May - Deutsche Version
(with a special thanks to The Doctor for the grammar tips!)
Montag begann mit den letzten Finanzergebnissen von Industrieholding Frauenthal. Der Umsatz der Firma erhöhte sich um 22% auf EUR 139.1m im ersten Quartal des Jahres, während das EBIT auf EUR 5.4m von EUR 1.2m gestiegen ist. Unterstützt von ihren guten Ergebnissen, Frauenthal prognostiziert mehr Wachstum in 2011.
Ottakringer, meine Lieblingsbrauerei immer wenn ich in Wien bin, meldete am Montag, dass ihre Dividende für 2010 mit EUR 1.54 unverändert bleiben. Inzwischen lehnten Telekom Austria und die Serbische Regierung ab, dass sie eine neue Vereinbarung über den Kauf von Telekom Srbija erzielen haben.
Am Montag gab VIG Re, die Rückversicherungsfirma der Vienna Insurance, bekannt, dass ihr Vorsteuergewinn um 28.6% auf EUR 18.6m im Vorjahr gestiegen ist. Die Prämieneinnahme von der Firma stand auf EUR 280.6m, ein Aufstieg von 9.1%. VIG Re erwartet eine Prämieneinnahme von über EUR 300m in dem aktuellen Jahr.
Am Montag kam auch die Nachricht, dass Strabag nicht überraschend Österreichs größtes Bauunternehmen in 2010 war. HTI verkündete, dass sie ihr Kapital erhöhen will, als ihre Kredittors für einen Wechsel von seinen Darlehen in Aktien entschieden haben.
Dienstag war auch ein langsamer Tag für die Österreichische Wirtschaft. Nur die Finanzergebnisse von AMAG zog die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich am Morgen. Die Aluminiumgruppe, die kürzlich ihren Börsengang einführte, sagte ihr Umsatz um 27% auf EUR 214.6m in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres gestiegen ist. Das operative Ergebnis von AMAG stieg um 24% auf EUR 24.6m. Die Führung der Firma ist optimistisch für den Erfolg in dem aktuellen Jahr.
Am Dienstag meldete deutsche AMD, dass ihre Ergebnisse von Problemen in Österreich belastet wurden. Genau das Gegenteil bei der Merkur Versicherung, die sagte, dass ihre 2010 Gewinne auf EUR 6.8m von EUR 2.1m hoch gestiegen sind.
Frauenthal Holding AG, die am Montag solide Ergebnisse veröffentlicht hat, teilte am Dienstag mit, sie eine Anleihe von zwischen EUR 75m und EUR 100m begeben will. Die fünfjährige Anleihe wird in Mai gegeben.
Zwei interessante Eigentumsnachrichten erschienen auch am Dienstag. Immofinanz machte bekannt, dass Investor Rudolf Fries seine Anteile in der Firma erhöhen wird. Inzwischen kaufte Schweizer Sinecura Invest 11% in dem Maschinenspezialist Hirsch Servo.
Mittwoch startet mit den letzten Nachrichten von Warimpex, deren Vorstand von den Aktionären ermächtigt wurde, das Kapital der Firma um bis zu EUR 5.4m in den nächsten fünf Jahren zu erhöhen. Vielleicht gab es keine Überraschenden von der Aussage des OMV Chefs Gerhard Roiss, dass die Firma ihren Fokus auf Gas und Öl einbehalten wird, trotz der steigenden Nutzung von erneuerbaren Energie.
Schlechte Nachrichten kamen für die Beschäftigten von Austria Tabak in Niederösterreich. Laut eines Reports von Kurier, will die Firma ihre Zigarettenproduktion in dem Bundesland schließen. Dort arbeiten circa 180 Menschen.
Die wichtigste Nachricht war, jedoch, das nachbesserte Angebot von Telekom Austria für 51% in Telekom Srbija. Die Firma bietet nun bis zu EUR 1.1bn, inklusive EUR 800m als initiale Bezahlung, während der Rest von dem Geschäftsergebnis der serbischen Firma abhängen wird. Leider war die serbische Privatisationkommission schnell zu verkündigen, dass sie die Angebotsablehnung empfehlen will.
Typisch für Donnerstag war der Tag voller Finanzergebnisse. Lenzing, der Hersteller von Fasern, war erst und verkündigte einen Umsatz von EUR 532.1m für die ersten drei Monaten des Jahres, ein Aufstieg von 46%. Das EBITDA stieg um 66% auf EUR 114.9m, unterstützt von Preiserhöhungen, die gut vom Markt akzeptiert wurden.
Betroffen von der Naturkatastrophe in Japan und der politischen Krise in der Nahost sagte Austrian Airlines (AUA), dass sie einen operativen Verlust von EUR 63.5m in dem ersten Quartal des 2011 gemacht hat. Der Umsatz der Firma blieb unverändert bei EUR 447.4m. AUA erwartet eine Verbesserung ab dem zweiten Quartal.
Inzwischen bestätigte Austria Tabak die Gerüchte von Mittwoch, dass sie ihre letzte Zigarettenproduktion in Österreich schließen will, eine Entscheidung, die 240 Beschäftigten in Hainburg und 80 in Wien arbeitslos machen wird.
Strabag, der den Preis für das Österreichs größtes Bauunternehmen am Montag bekommen hat, sagte am Donnerstag, dass es eine Anleihe von EUR 200m in Mai begeben will.
Autozulieferer Miba gab bekannt, dass ihr Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2010/11 um 40% auf EUR 437.2m stieg und, dass die Wirtschaftskrise vorbei ist. Das EBIT der Miba erhöhte auf EUR 54.5m von EUR 16.4m. Das Unternehmen wird einen Umsatz von mehr als EUR 500m für 2011/12 anpeilen.
Update Software AG teilte am Donnerstag mit, dass sein Verlust auf EUR 0.73m in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres von EUR 1.1m vor einem Jahr verringerte. Der Umsatz gab mit 3.6% auf EUR 6.5m nach. Der Softwarespezialist bestätigt seine Erwartungen von einem Umsatz von EUR 31m im ganzen 2011.
Am Nachmittag meldete der Insolvenzverwalter von JoWooD an, dass er den PC Spielhersteller bis zum Ende Juni verkaufen will.
Und, als erwartet nach den Nachrichten von Mittwoch, der Verkauf von Telekom Srbija zu Telekom Austria wurde am Donnerstag offiziell geplatzt. Trotz des nachbesserten Angebots von Telekom Austria entschied die serbische Regierung die Privatisierung abzusagen.
Betroffen von der Naturkatastrophe in Japan und der politischen Krise in der Nahost sagte Austrian Airlines (AUA), dass sie einen operativen Verlust von EUR 63.5m in dem ersten Quartal des 2011 gemacht hat. Der Umsatz der Firma blieb unverändert bei EUR 447.4m. AUA erwartet eine Verbesserung ab dem zweiten Quartal.
Inzwischen bestätigte Austria Tabak die Gerüchte von Mittwoch, dass sie ihre letzte Zigarettenproduktion in Österreich schließen will, eine Entscheidung, die 240 Beschäftigten in Hainburg und 80 in Wien arbeitslos machen wird.
Strabag, der den Preis für das Österreichs größtes Bauunternehmen am Montag bekommen hat, sagte am Donnerstag, dass es eine Anleihe von EUR 200m in Mai begeben will.
Autozulieferer Miba gab bekannt, dass ihr Umsatz im Geschäftsjahr 2010/11 um 40% auf EUR 437.2m stieg und, dass die Wirtschaftskrise vorbei ist. Das EBIT der Miba erhöhte auf EUR 54.5m von EUR 16.4m. Das Unternehmen wird einen Umsatz von mehr als EUR 500m für 2011/12 anpeilen.
Update Software AG teilte am Donnerstag mit, dass sein Verlust auf EUR 0.73m in den ersten drei Monaten des Jahres von EUR 1.1m vor einem Jahr verringerte. Der Umsatz gab mit 3.6% auf EUR 6.5m nach. Der Softwarespezialist bestätigt seine Erwartungen von einem Umsatz von EUR 31m im ganzen 2011.
Am Nachmittag meldete der Insolvenzverwalter von JoWooD an, dass er den PC Spielhersteller bis zum Ende Juni verkaufen will.
Und, als erwartet nach den Nachrichten von Mittwoch, der Verkauf von Telekom Srbija zu Telekom Austria wurde am Donnerstag offiziell geplatzt. Trotz des nachbesserten Angebots von Telekom Austria entschied die serbische Regierung die Privatisierung abzusagen.
Freitag begann mit der Blue Chip Firma Andritz, die ausgezeichnete Finanzergebnisse für das ersten Quartal des Jahres bekanntmachte. Der Nettogewinn des Anlagenbauers erhöhte sich um 28% auf EUR 37m und sein Umsatz stieg um 26.1% auf EUR 923.7m. Das Unternehmen erwartet einen Aufstieg bei Umsatz und Ergebnis im ganzen 2011., die neue Firma, die aus der Fusion zwischen der österreichischen Bwin und britischen PartyGaming resultiert, teilte ihre erste Finanzergebnisse am Freitag mit. Der Pro-Forma Umsatz des Unternehmens nahm um 2% auf EUR 217.8m zu.
BTW legte auch Finanzergebnisse offen, die von deutlichen Marketingkosten und Verringerungen in Italien und Spanien belastet wurden. Der Nettogewinn gab um 33.8% auf EUR 3.6m nach, während der Umsatz um nur 3.2% auf EUR 115.6m gestiegen ist.
Unerwartet für viele sagte Leiterplattenunternehmen AT&S, dass es seinen Umsatz auf zwischen EUR 535m und EUR 550m im Geschäftsjahr 2011/12 zu steigen erwartet. Die Steirische Firma prognostiziert eine jährliche Zunahme von 10% bis 13% in den nächsten Jahren.
Schlechte Nachrichten kamen für das Nabucco Projekt, das Gaslieferungen nach Europa diversifizieren muss. Das Baukonsortium der Pipeline sagte am Freitag, dass der Bau des Projekts ab 2013 starten wird und man erste Lieferungen ab 2017 erwarten kann, zwei Jahre später als geschätzt.
Freitag begann mit der Blue Chip Firma Andritz, die ausgezeichnete Finanzergebnisse für das ersten Quartal des Jahres bekanntmachte. Der Nettogewinn des Anlagenbauers erhöhte sich um 28% auf EUR 37m und sein Umsatz stieg um 26.1% auf EUR 923.7m. Das Unternehmen erwartet einen Aufstieg bei Umsatz und Ergebnis im ganzen 2011., die neue Firma, die aus der Fusion zwischen der österreichischen Bwin und britischen PartyGaming resultiert, teilte ihre erste Finanzergebnisse am Freitag mit. Der Pro-Forma Umsatz des Unternehmens nahm um 2% auf EUR 217.8m zu.
BTW legte auch Finanzergebnisse offen, die von deutlichen Marketingkosten und Verringerungen in Italien und Spanien belastet wurden. Der Nettogewinn gab um 33.8% auf EUR 3.6m nach, während der Umsatz um nur 3.2% auf EUR 115.6m gestiegen ist.
Unerwartet für viele sagte Leiterplattenunternehmen AT&S, dass es seinen Umsatz auf zwischen EUR 535m und EUR 550m im Geschäftsjahr 2011/12 zu steigen erwartet. Die Steirische Firma prognostiziert eine jährliche Zunahme von 10% bis 13% in den nächsten Jahren.
Schlechte Nachrichten kamen für das Nabucco Projekt, das Gaslieferungen nach Europa diversifizieren muss. Das Baukonsortium der Pipeline sagte am Freitag, dass der Bau des Projekts ab 2013 starten wird und man erste Lieferungen ab 2017 erwarten kann, zwei Jahre später als geschätzt.
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